Winter Semester

Jan 12, 2008 19:12

The winter semester has only begun a week ago, but I am already stressful. This afternoon I composed a list of all the assignments, readings, presentations, and examinations, and I could not believe that the list is ten pages long. I have about two to three readings per course assigned each week. In the total of five courses that I am taking this semester, I have a minimum of ten readings every week to reading. In addition, I have to read a certain chapters or academic articles in advance for the preparation of presentations and paper proposals on top of some complementary readings. When thinking about all the readings and preparation of presentations and paper proposals, I feel stress and worry. I am not sure if I will have the time in the coming four months to volunteer, to relax and to have fun with my friends. If not, I reckon I have to resign my volunteering positions so that I can have at least a night per month for myself not to think about school works.


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