I really dont feel like updating right now, but i really cant sleep and ive got nothing better to do. I was lying in bed trying to sleep and i couldnt, which made me start thinking, and when i think... well usually nothing good comes from it. I talked to Yael tonight for like 2 hours and i said something that really made me think. We were talking about how she wants to set Spector up with some chick and i said that i dont want her to because i think Spector needs a girlfriend and not just random hookups. Why do i think this. Well my relationship with Spector isnt what it used to be, he could tell you that also, i dont know why, we just havnt talked as much lately, but whenever we do talk, well not whenever but sometimes, he has seemed a little depressed. He is letting the little things get to him. Anyways, my whole point to yael was that when guys have girlfriends it makes them much less depressed. Or at least when they have girlfriends who live within an hour from them (cause longer then that doesnt really make a difference). I started to think about this and realized that is basically true with every single person i know... except for myself (which is pretty funny). But i then i really started thinking about it and realized that it is way too true. People rely on the opposite sex way too much. I dont really know where im going with this, but stay with me. When guys have girlfriends they always have someone they can rely on to make them happy when they are sad, or to put out when they are sad. Most guys are happy when they are hooking up and a girlfriend not only guys get to hook up but also get to feel a stronger bond then just hooking up. Im not trying to be profound at all here, cause nothing im saying is profound at all. Just typin what im thinkin. Whatya call a doctor who failed out of med school? A dentist... genious!
Alright im done here for now. I downloaded some ring tones onto my phone becuase i finally figured out how to make the internet work on my phone. Also im going to the Franz/Hives/RandomCrapOpeningBand concert sunday night with Yael, Zach, and Yael's random friend that i have met before. That should be very fun.
So today Ilissa IM'ed me and was like... oh man oh man oh man. I asked what was wrong and she told me her parents knew we hooked up. I initially reacted by saying i will never step foot in ur house again. Its okay though... her parents only thought we had sex, so whatever, nothing big.