The Basics
Name: Laura
Nickname: Law, Ambran.
Age: 18
Star sign: Sagittarius
Photo or brief description of yourself:
Would you prefer to be stamped as a male or as a female character? Doesn't matter :]
And, just because we're nosy, where did you hear about
hagaren_rating? Rumocred!
You In General
Hobbies: Writing, wandering, thinking, photography (landscape, in particular) running, anime/video games, cosplaying, conventions, etc.
Talents: I'd like to think writing is a talent of mine. I'm creative, athletic and I can make people laugh.
Likes: Music, friends, nature, flowers, cities, landscape photography, philosophy, psychology, anime/video games, running, writing, adventure, individuality, traveling, daydreaming, being ridiculous and some good lulz.
Dislikes: Mean people, close-mindedness, people with no sense of humor, dishonesty, swallowing pills, high school, unnecessary conflict, being in one place for too long.
Three words that best describe you: Creative, Introverted, Witty
Dreams for the future: Travel far and wide! Especially to Japan. Learn piano. Be successful and happy after college.
Favourite colour: Greens, blues.
Favourite food: I love all food -- my stomach literally knows no boundaries.
Favourite season: Spring!
Favourite animal: Penguins.
Favourite character, and why: I'm gonna have to be really cliche and go with Edward. He might be one of my favorite anime characters of all time -- purely because of the growth that he undergoes throughout the series. Watching him mature and stay strong throughout the entire series was wonderful. Plus, I can't recall an anime character who's VA pulled off the emotion of the series as well as Vic did with Ed. It really brings him to life as a character. Plus -- he's hot. I also loved Hughes and weirdly, Wrath.
If you could choose to be any of the characters for a day, who would you choose, and why? I'd say Ed, but I'm not sure I'd like all that emotional baggage. Probably Mustang 'cause his flame alchemy is awesome. =O
Favourite pairing: Well my heart nearly exploded when RizaxMustang was hinted towards the end of the series =D
Favourite FMA song, and why: Ready Steady Go. It embodies everything about FMA for me, it was my favorite opening, and L'arc-En-Ciel is my favorite band. Win!
Favourite type of alchemy (e.g. flame, metal, light), and why: Flame. Its just so badass.
Which is best, the manga or the anime? Unfortunately I haven't read the manga. :/
Leader or follower? Leader.
Cool and collected or emotional? I'm emotional, but I appear cool and collected like... all the time.
Confident or shy? I can really be both. It depends on my environment and if I'm intimdated.
Optimist or pessimist? Generally optimistic, but I'm not a ray of sunshine by any means. I can get pretty damn cynical.