Flames are so pretty~

Oct 19, 2008 15:39

The Basics
Name: Kyrie
Nickname: Ky-Ky, Kiwi or Francesca
Age: 17
Star sign: Libra
Photo or brief description of yourself:

Would you prefer to be stamped as a male or as a female character? Male please!
And, just because we're nosy, where did you hear about hagaren_rating? I was looking around for a FMA rating place and searched it on the LJ search engine. And here I am!

You In General
Hobbies: fixing computers, cooking, karate, playing clarinet, writing fanfiction
Talents: I'm a black belt in karate, I can cook a mean Spanish cuisine and I always placed high in music competitions with my clarinet.
Likes: Cute things, satire in any form, chilling out, video games, computers, music, culinary arts, languages
Dislikes: Smart-alecks, ignorance, being bored
Three words that best describe you: Cynical. Humorous. Unpredictable.
Dreams for the future: To become a computer engineer who can speak Spanish and French fluently.

Favourite colour: That's hard. Either green or white.
Favourite food: Paella
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite animal: Rabbits

Favourite character, and why: Jean Havoc. He always interested me and for some reason I love the chain-smokers of series, despite the fact I don't approve of smoking in real life. And I love his cynical sense of humor as well.
If you could choose to be any of the characters for a day, who would you choose, and why? I would love to hang out with Winry because I love to fix/improve anything mechanical.
Favourite pairing: Havocai
Favourite FMA song, and why: Brothers. It's too beautiful to describe with words.
Favourite type of alchemy (e.g. flame, metal, light), and why: Light because I love the daytime and to be able to manipulate it into an alchemy would be just too cool for words.
Which is best, the manga or the anime? I like anime because of the action and the animation.

Leader or follower? Follower when need be otherwise I will fly solo and be my own leader.
Cool and collected or emotional? Depending on the situation. I mainly remain cool and collected but when the situation is drastic, I will be emotional of course.
Confident or shy? I'll have to say 50/50 on this one. I still have to sort out my insecurities but I am confident in myself for the most part.
Optimist or pessimist? I prefer to be optimistic but my friends can't really tell if I'm being sarcastic about it or not. :P

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