So about that ankle

Jan 25, 2017 12:51

Sunday was the visit to the ortho outpatient clinic with the CT scan results. This time the wait was positively obnoxious, but it was worth it for a young doc who's excellent at communication skills. (Where "young" is of relevant definition for someone who finished their residency, so mid-30s at a minimum.)

I have two fractures, one in the medial and one in the posterior malleolus. The latter is the one that hasn't moved at all. The former is the more significant, and it did move out of place - into the joint. This is the problem one, as it's 50/50 on whether or not I'd benefit from surgery. Conservative treatment (that is, no surgery) comes with a risk of cartilage atrophy and other such fun things. Surgery comes with the risks of - well - general anesthesia, sawing a bone open and putting a plate inside.

And so the official rec I got is to get a second opinion. Yeah.

That said, the odds of arranging surgery before the date at which it's okay to remove the cast are nil (and that's to say nothing of thinking things over), so I have a date set for getting rid of the damn cast next week. This can be done at the town clinic, thank goodness.

(My mom was concerned about the ER doc having only requested regular x-ray and IDed only one fracture. The latest doc eventually managed to get it through her head that IDing only one fracture is what could be done with the regular x-rays, and that going straight for CT is just not protocol. If things went off-track it's in that we only managed to get the first follow-up two weeks after the fracture instead of one, but I don't think that would've made a difference.)

The bruise on the top of my foot is still there, and still very blue. The toes are still swollen, if less. It's no doubt going to be interesting next week: scratch physiotherapy, I don't know how I'd be getting that foot in a shoe, or even a sock.

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