Yesterday's ammonia leak

Nov 07, 2014 12:51

* So that ended with 1 dead firefighter and some 20-30 injured civilians, mostly very lightly. (Nausea and headaches, none of the really bad things ammonia can do.) They ended up shutting down a radius of 2.5km. (Not evac'ing; it was decided that evac will actually put people at a greater risk.) Given the potential harm on this one, it was contained with minimal damages.

Accident, apparently: someone cut a pipe they thought was out of commission and it was not. All the usual investigations are being conducted, but the expectation is that it'll be ruled a work accident and no criminal component. (The plant where the accident happened has a good safety record.)

* Haaretz's Alon Idan is being an asshole again. Last time he got yelled at for being a racist towards Mizrachi Jews; this time he's going to get slaughtered for going "The one thing worse than being objectified is no-one wanting to objectify you" over thant "ten hours walking" vid.

* On the other hand, the features section now has two weekly columns about Arab culture and not just one, and that's really nice.

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