New Things

Sep 29, 2014 12:50

* Yesterday, an 18yr old Palestinian with a knife managed to get through the fence aboveground and was only caught an hour and 4km later, at a town's edge (Link). Worse, he was caught by in-town security, so now all the town in the area are glaring at the IDF and going "And you're going to be cutting these jobs why again? You're saying those aren't helpful by what logic, again?"

* So this year, Yom Kippur and Eid al-Adha fall on the same day. This is a riot chance par excellence, and the J-m police are setting up x4 times the force they usually do for Yom Kippur (link). The Akko police are not a whole lot happier: they're the ones who already had to deal with violence on this day (when an idiot Arab driver decided to go through a Jewish neighbourhood; buddy, I'm sorry, how stupid are you?) and the city never quite calmed down from there.

(70% of secular Israeli Jews fast. It's a number you want to remember. There is no car traffic, and that's on pure custom. Now if you live in a non-Jewish space, you can do whatever the fuck you want and nobody's going to mind so long as it doesn't leak out of your space into a Jewish space. The second that comes into a Jewish space, all bets are off - and if you violate Yom Kippur in a Jewish space and you're visibly non-Jewish, you really are screwed because there is no fucking way that won't be perceived as deliberate provocation and buddy, this is Israel: striking back against this shit is what we're for.)

* In the general population, one in six soldiers fail to complete their service; among Ethiopian-descent soldiers that's one in four. One in ten soldiers in the general population will make officer-grade; only 2 in a hundred of Ethiopian-descent soldiers do. (The failure-rate is mostly men: Ethiopian women make officer-grade three or four times more than the men, at a near-equal rate to general population women.) On the plus side, the proportion of Ethiopian-descent soldiers in military prison dropped by 1/3. (Link)

Note that most of this is not due to in-service discrimination, but due to general socioeconomic and cultural adjustment stuff. Ethiopian families are overwhelmingly poorer, require more welfare for other reasons, and have more language difficulties. There's... a massive gap between families that came early or later: after ~30yr of doing this, it's only in recent years that assimilation of Ethiopian families started working right, and this has a lot to do with the more successful early immigrants coming into running assimilation for later immigrants.

* Egypt continues to push for demilitarization of Palestinian "resistance" (read: terror) organizations in exchange for full state recognition from Israel. I kinda hope this works, but I also expect the Palestinians to get on their hind legs over it and my own fucking government to be asses about it. (Link) (The answer to "Can a nascent Palestinian state be trusted?" is "Absolutely fucking not", and there's not a single player in this game that think they can be trusted. Sorry guys, you only now reached your saison period. We did that several years before we had a state, and we were a lot saner than y'all to begin with. Who was it who said the Palestinians can have a state when they have an Altalena?) (To those unfamiliar with pre-state Israeli history, the saison was when the Haganna, the primary resistance, hunted down on behalf of the British administration members of the other, sometimes-terrorist-grade Jewish organizations.)

* Antisemitic attack in East Jerusalem: ~50 headstones smashed in a Jewish cemetary. (Linka)

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