* So apparently we arrested the Chairperson of the Palestinian Parliament. If anyone had any doubts on whether the Situation is used as an excuse to do a deep clean, have none.
* Stone throwing's not unusual; civilians getting hurt from it, a bit more.
* Oh - I do not have enough expletives and sacrilegious enough ones at that: some fucking moron tried to cut the fence at Kochav Ya'akov. Look, idiot neighbours: the last fucking thing that you need right now is for one of you fanatic *bites tongue* to go murder civilians in their beds at night. You really don't want to fucking do that right now. There's also three full infantry brigades in the Bank right now, at least two of which are just waiting to be told to go clean house, and at this point the Situation has been ongoing for more than 72hr so you do not want to know how fast there can be full reserve brigades assembling on your border.
There are 2 16yr olds and a non-soldier 19yr old missing, probably dead. This is already used as a reason to do a deep clean in the Bank. If Israeli civilians get murdered in their beds at night - and people who do that sort of attacks traditionally love going for babies and young children, specifically - do you morons really want to take a bet on how fucking ugly it will get and how fucking fast?
(Nothing happened this time. The fucking moron in question was caught. But just. Yeah, the Settlements should not be there, but murdering people in their beds is not going to help. It's going to do the fucking opposite of help. On the other hand, Palestinian militant sects have been fucking things up for their own people whenever things started to get better at least since the early 1990s, so why do I expect that to change now?)
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