
Jul 31, 2010 20:34

In lieu of HetaBook updates (Or HIU ones, apparently I write Alfred really well and made a non-America-fan like my America.), I've decided I will do this meme that I stole straight from ashdust. If I start tomorrow and remember to finish it, it should be done the day I start college. B|

1. Your favorite character

So hard to choose, so I picked America and Italy (coincidentally, my two more recent RP characters).

I picked both of them because they're generally happy, naive, and friendly people. And they both love to eat. But seriously, where would you meet two less friendly people? They've both kinda got this magnetism, though it works in different ways for both. America is charismatic and strong, whereas (aw dammit I need to stop using that word) Italy seems helpless, but is also sweet and kind.

2. Your least favorite character

Yeah... Liechtenstein, I feel, has one of the blandest personalities out of Hetalia. She's adorable, sweet, polite, and loves her brother. That's about all I get from her character.

Although, I'm starting to like her a little more because my headcanon declares that because there's nothing else, she's obviously just as much a yandere as Russia and really wants everyone to become one with her.

3. Character you’d date

I'd date Dat Ass, of course<3. No, really. He's a cool, laid-back guy who takes everything in stride. Okay, so maybe after HetaBook I'd think twice about dating him, but before HetaBook I probably would have. But seriously, besides his pedo-ish tendencies, he seems like a really cool guy. Also, siestas in the middle of the day? Awesome.

4. Character you’d like to go shopping with

Totally not ripping this answer off, but Japan = best shopping partner ever. The ultimate otaku, in a small, asian, polite little package. <3 There's just iono so much that I would love to do on a shopping trip with him, too.

5. Character you’d like as your child

America and Canada. Because the dynamic duo would be fun to play with (though I'd get a little worn out with America, I expect). And I mean, come on. The two are on par with the Italy bros in terms of chibi-cuteness, and they're not quite as "useless" as the title brothers. And while situations like the above picture would arise, I'm the kinda person who would enjoy participating in that sort of thing. /american

6. Character who would probably be your rival

I had a hard time picking this one. My rival, if any, would be Im Yong Soo. As much as I like him, I would not be able to deal with him IRL. Too obnoxious for mee. D: It makes me feel worse picking him knowing that he's the only representative of my background that I have. :C But yeah, I don't think I'd get along very well with him.

7. Character you have most in common with

I actually had a conversation with one of my friends about this, probably around this time last year. We decided on one of the Italy bros. I'm kinda tsundere on a good day, which made me think Romano. But I'm also apparently the fluffy-diabetes-sweet that Feli is, too. Cooking and cleaning are things I'm pretty good at, and I love tomatoes. I am a perfect mix of both of them, apparently. Maybe I was born to be Italian?

8. Character you look like the most

Ignoring the Iggy in the Japan pic, that looks almost exactly like my hair right now, except shorter. I usually have my hair looking more like Ukraine's, though. In terms of other appearances, I'm thinking Japan, though. Short asian with short dark hair and eyes. :D

9. Character you’d bring home to your parents

Canada or Liet. You know they'd be the most polite and helpful people ever. My parents would love when they come around because they're just sweet people. Also, Canada's invisibleness would be fun.

10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents

France. I live with a very old-fashioned Filipino lady. Francis would be a very bad person to bring home, since I wouldn't be able to control him.

11. Character you’d become best friends with

So I couldn't choose. America and Canada would be ttly awesome. Canada's very sweet and thoughtful. America's obnoxiously loud and fun to play with. The BFT, too, would be great to hang out with. France might be a perv, but he can cook! which is always fun. He could teach me! xD;; There's Prussia with his incredible amounts of AWESOME. And Gilbird and his blog/apparent obsession with technology. And Dat Ass would be incredibly awesome to hang out with. And sleep with. Not like... have sex... but actual sleeping. xD

12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu

That's right, I used official art this time. I'm a sucker for Himaruya's official art of this guy. And for his voice actor. I mean, damn, it's Katsuyuki Konishi. Okay, technically I could've put Canada up here too. :| BUT ANYWAYS. Look at his track record! I think my favorites are personally Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia and Agatsuma Soubi from LOVELESS. <3 I just love his voice lol. It was weird to get used to him playing America, I admit. BUT DAMN I LOVE HIS VOICE. hahaha.

13. Character you’d go camping with

Stealin' ur answer again, ashdust. BUT AFTER OUR DISCUSSION, I AGREE THAT HE'D BE THE BEST. CAMPING. BUDDY. EVER. Scary stories and roasting marshmallows, and SCARY STORIES. With a few apologies after, probably.

14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with

The otaku duo. 'Nuff said.

15. Character you’d want to cook for you

Well, of course, I'd want my country to cook for me. We could get heart attacks together. It'll be artery-clogging awesome. I embrace my inner fatboy, thank you.

16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you

Feli. Because it'd be platonic. And not unusual.

17. Your OTP

The FrUK family. FrUK/AmeCan. FrUK because I tend to like hatesex and obviously, they've been battling it out for ages, much longer than any apparent USUK sexual tension. AmeCan because....... I dunno. Twincest, I guess. I really don't know, but they're my favorite pairing out of hetalia.

18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent

Grandpa Rome. He's the most adorable, doting-grandfather of an empire ever. :D

19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with

Hmm. This was tough. I'd probably wanna go with loud people, so America, Prussia, Denmark, maybe England, too, if we get him drunk.

20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid

Hungary and Japan. Only because my Japan facebook is using a profile pic with the two of them in butler/maid outfits. :Db

21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG

America. He'd ttly be that one superpower you'd have in your team... Like Seth from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones - he's just naturally better than everyone else. I'd probably be a healer anyways.

22. Another OTP of yours

Spamano. <3 or really, SpainxAnyone

23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1

Lizzie, hands down. We could be fujoshis together lol.

24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit

MAFIATALIA. That shit is hot. Okay, so the picture isn't of the Italies, who are my favorites in terms of mafia, but hell, the whole mafia thing is sick.

25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as

hetabook, roleplay, meme, hetalia

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