Oct 14, 2009 09:04
I'm spamming your inbox 8D
[ ] Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
[ ] Acrophobia - Fear of heights.
[ ] Agliophobia - Fear of pain.
[ ] Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds.
[ ] Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects.
[ ] Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
[ ] Androphobia - Fear of men.
[x] Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking.
[ ] Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers.
[ ] Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society.
[ ] Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched.
[ ] Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
[ ] Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers.
[ ] Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning.
[ ] Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness.
[ ] Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection.
[x] Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
[x] Autophobia - Fear of being alone.
Total so far: 3 (oh mai o~o)
[ ] Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria.
[ ] Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
[ ] Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep.
[ ] Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians.
[ ] Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
[ ] Botanophobia - Fear of plants.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
[ ] Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed publicly. (ha, that's nothing new |D)
[ ] Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
[ ] Chionophobia - Fear of snow.
[ ] Chromophobia - Fear of colors.
[ ] Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
[ ] Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.
[ ] Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
[ ] Cyberphobia - Fear of computers.
[ ] Cynophobia - Fear of dogs.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Dendrophobia - Fear of trees.
[ ] Dentophobia - Fear of dentists.
[ ] Domatophobia - Fear of houses.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Ecophobia - Fear of the home.
[ ] Elurophobia - Fear of cats.
[ ] Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers. (that'd be rather bad wouldn't it?)
[ ]Equinophobia - Fear of horses.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Gophobia - Fear of marriage.
[ ] Genuphobia - Fear of knees. (-SNORT- OMG I'VE GOT TWO ON ME GETEM OFF)
[ ] Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public.
[ ] Gynophobia - Fear of women.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Heliophobia - Fear of the sun. (you'd think that with how much I go outside |D;;; )
[ ] Hemophobia - Fear of blood.
[ ] Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles.
[ ] Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
[ ] Hydrophobia - Fear of water.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Itrophobia - Fear of doctors. (I'm slightly uneasy about them, but my mom's a nurse so...)
[ ] Insectophobia - Fear of insects.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Koinoniphobia - Fear of rooms. (ahahahaaaaa)
Total so far: 3
[ ] Lekophobia - Fear of the color white.
[ ] Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
[ ] Lockiophobia - Fear of childbirth.
Total so far: 3 |D
[ ] Mageirocophobia - Fear of cooking.
[ ] Melanophobia - Fear of the color black.
[ ] Microphobia - Fear of small things.
[ ] Mysophobia - Fear of dirt and germs.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things.
[ ] Noctiphobia - Fear of the night.
[ ] Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals.
Total so far: 3 it's not gunna change is it?
[ ] Obesophobia - Fear of gaining weight (if I get fat that's just more of me to love <3)
[ ] Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
[ ] Ombrophobia - Fear of rain.
[ ] Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes.
[ ] Ornithophobia - Fear of birds.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Papyrophobia - Fear of paper.
[ ] Pathophobia - Fear of disease.
[ ] Pedophobia - Fear of children.
[ ] Philophobia - Fear of love.
[ ] Phobophobia - Fear of being afraid.
[ ] Podophobia - Fear of feet.
[ ] Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple.
[ ] Pteridophobia - Fear of ferns.
[ ] Pteromerhanophobia - Fear of flying.
[ ] Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Scolionophobia - Fear of school.
[ ] Selenophobia - Fear of the moon. (ITS COMING RIGHT AT ME)
[ ] Sociophobia - Fear of social evaluation.
[ ] Somniphobia - Fear of sleep.
Total so far: 3
[ ] Tachophobia - Fear of speed.
[ ] Technophobia - Fear of technology.
[ ] Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder.
[ ] Trypanophobia - Fear of injections.
[x] Tychiphobia - Fear of accidents.
Total so far: 4 (AHAHA BOUT TIME)
[ ] Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women. (I wouldn't have half my friends if that were true =3)
[ ] Verminophobia - Fear of germs.
[ ] Wiccaphobia - Fear of witches and witchcraft. (that runs in my family -shrug-)
[ ] Xenophobia - Fear of strangers
[ ] Zoophobia - Fear of animals
Final Total: 4
-pose- I AM A FEARLESS (orratherIhaveverylittlefearorz;;) SEME. BITE ME >8D
haaa they didn't have 'fear of falling down vents' or 'fear of stepping on sharp objects' up there. |DD those are personal <3
stupid fear list lol