So, I'm trying to make a small setting for Doctor Who: Adventures In Time And Space in the small town of Valier, Montana. Strange things happen out there, y'see.
To: Michael Ingram, Vice Director of Electronic Surveillance
From: Abel Kellerman, Senior Analyst
Date: December 2, 2013
Subject: The COINCIDOX blog
Summary: The COINCIDOX blog, the work of one Hester Jones, chronicles synchronicity, extraordinary events, and what appears to be the genuinely supra-natural in the town of Valier, MT.. This report recommends on-site investigation.
Background: The COINCIDOX blog came to our attention following the Valier cattle mutilation incident of Oct 9, 2011 (cf. Cattle Mutilation). This incident was widely reported in the Great Falls Tribune and the Helena Independent Record, as well as on websites dealing with Fortean events, UFO visitations and the so-called Reptoids (cf. Homo Reptilia). None of these seem to have any real merit though. Rather they stand as examples of the rampant habitual thinking and confirmation bias to which modern seekers of mystery all too often fall prey.
Before the story got that far however, it was reported by one Hester Jones, a senior at Valier High School. It was an interesting piece, in that it showed none of the bias or need for conspiracy which usually mar so many records of the extraordinary. Interestingly, Ms. Jones gives the impression that she was present for the viewing of the mutilated cow, along with owner James Patterson and Pondera County Sheriff Tim Kula.
Patterson committed suicide in '12, and the Pondera County Sheriff's office has been giving us the runarounds, so we have been unable to verify Ms. Jones's presence.
Ms. Jones notes that there are structures under the dead cow's skin. “They don't fit with a cow's bone structure AT ALL. I checked in a couple of books on animal husbandry and anatomy, and I'm pretty sure I'm right about that (OMG, I just had positive thoughts about the 4H Club). There were whorls and spirals interwoven with the ribs. Mr. Patterson's nice enough, but he doesn't listen. Especially when the sheriff talked about getting some kind of expert to come around. NOT a vet though. Some kind of UFO guy”.
Needless to say this grabbed our attention to a degree that an 'ordinary' cattle mutilation would not. We have previously seen communications appearing as mutations in animal bodies (Cf. AKLO and the paper “When Mutation Becomes Cryptography”(Sterlich 1991)).
When we began investigating Ms. Jones, we came across her blog. Before the mutilation event, Ms. Jones had recorded events of peculiar synchronicity where she would think about a person, only to have that same person call her moments later. “Ok, I'm not stupid” she writes. “I know that it would be odd if people I know NEVER called just as I was thinking about them.” She goes on to describe how a boy she knew briefly in grade 8 called her from his current home in Waterville, MA. We have been able to verify the existence of this call, from one Martin Mills. “I'd just been thinking about Martin” Ms. Jones writes. “'cos I came across some school pictures. And then there he was. He said it was a wrong number, but of course we got to talking. It was really nice talking to him, but afterwards I sat back and thought about it all, it seemed a bit... uncanny, I guess”.
Ms. Jones claims that she has been called from the White House as well. This is a claim we have been unable to verify. Jones describes being called by a man who claimed to be secret service. This too seemed to be a wrong number as well, “right in the middle of a school paper about the POTUS too. 'Brix were shat', as my ever-charming little brother would say. Anyway, he had a lot of questions. Most of my answers were 'dunno'and 'you called me!'. Finally he hung up. I've been expecting the black helicopters since then. Kidding, kinda”.
Nothing further transpired, that we know of, except that the blog was visited by an inordinate number of spiders visiting Ms. Jones's blog, most of them untraceable.
After the mutilation there is a lull in events, until January 5th, 2011:
“Got a letter today. A real paper letter. Well, it's kinda to me: Aaron Blinovitch, c/o Hester Jones (and then my address which I'm not gonna put here. Sorry, internets!). Googled the name, and the first thing was something about a Russian physicist making some kind of conjecture about time travel, and how time 'hardens' the more you visit the same point in time”.
For more on the theories of dr. Blinovitch, and the myths that have arisen around his person and his disappearance cf. “The Blinovitch Effect and the Growth of the Inevitable” (Lawson, 1989). What is interesting is that Blinovitch allegedly disappeared in 1928.
Ms. Jenkins writes that the letter has no return address, but is signed Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov.
“I put on my internet deerstalker, and find a guy who seems to fit. Russian astrophycisist, working at the Theoretical Astrophysics Center in Copenhagen. Send him a mail? What do you think?”
The blog comments are almost all in favor of her doing so, but Ms. Jones never got around to it. We did, and the somewhat bemused Professor Novikov told us that he had sent no such letter. For the record it should be noted that Novikov was born in 1935.
“Most of the letter cnsists of some sort of calcolations or mathematical proof, except there are symbols here that seem to be in some weird language. They're not any kind of notation I can find. Actually... they kinda look like whorls and spirals. Where have we seen those before internet????? STFU. I need to get out”.
Despite a lot of comments asking for a follow-up (primary among them a shrill individual calling her/himself 'El Skeptico'. The usual smug New Atheist nonsense), the blog isn't updated until two months later, on March 3rd:
“Saw a ghost behind me in the mirror today. Yeah, like I was in some cheap creatively bankrupt horror movie. I was brushing my hair, and there she was. A young Native American woman huddled in a woven blanket. She's screaming, but there's no sound. Then she disappeared. Well, it was really more like she went out of focus until there was just a blur that might as well have been a shadow on the wall. I screamed. So glad no one was home. I think the woman was a Blackfoot.”
It seems likely that what Ms. Jones saw was a remnant of something from Montana's past, but we feel certain that what we have here is a symptom of a wider phenomenon, centering on Ms. Jones. (Cf. “Atemporality and Piety” (Clemens, St. John et. al.1971) the hypothesis is certainly supported by what follows.
March 5th:
“The ghost was in the driveway this morning. She was there, but unreal, like the shadow of a curtain blowing in the wind. I wasn't frightened. It felt like I had seen it before. Deja vu over a ghost. WTF is wrong with me”.
Over the course of the next month, Ms. Jones reports seeing the apparition again, and others as well. Some sound like they might be European-American settlers from the time of the Indian Wars. They seem oblivious to her presence.
Then comes the final entry on April 7th:
“Something different tonight. I'm quitting this blog. Maybe things will leave me alone then. Went downstairs to get some water, and a ghost ran towards me. It was an old man wearing long red robes with some kind of gold brocade trim (whorls and spirals, why do you ask?). He was screaming silently. I have never seen anyone looking so out of their mind with fear, and he was coming right at me. Through me. It didn't feel like anything, except that deja vu (all over again haha). Then there was something behind him. A red round eye in the shadows behind the dinner table. Then there was a voice, a harsh machine-voice that sounded like it was disgusted by everything in the world. “Exterminate” was all it said.
I ran upstairs and hid under my blanket like I was five years old. And that's where I am now. Not doing this any more”.
The next morning, April 8th around 10 AM, the Joneses reported their daughter missing. After a perfunctory investigation by Sheriff Tim Kula, the FBI took over, since the case showed superficial similarities with the abduction of a teenage girl in Spokane. The file is attached, and contains nothing of interest. To this date Hester Jones remains missing.
I will not mince words. I believe that Hester Jones is a person of great importance, and that her blog stands as a document of this. I cannot speculate about her fate, but my recommendation is that we set up a permanent base in or near Valier, MT as soon as humanly possible
The Lord speaks.
AGRAPHA - An organization for DW:AITAS
The Agrapha is a secret Christian organization whose brief it is to investigate the uncanny, the Fortean and the miraculous.
The organization started during world war II, where men of the cloth on both sides of the Axis-Allies divide (as well as denominational ones) would exchange encrypted information about refugees in need of help, as well as miraclesand other inexplicable occurences observed first-hand during those tumultuous years. The priests, reverends, pastors and vicars came to believe that the Words of God appear continuously and literally across the world as an encrypted message to humanity. In short they view unexplained occurences as missives from the divine.
The organization's stats:
Good Traits
Advanced Technology
Agrapha has gotten its hands on a UNIT signal jammer (a 1-point gadget), and have copied the technology. Signal jammers are available to agents, if a director deems it neccesary.
Database Access
Agrapha shares data across the world, and has access to a staggering number of reports, monographs and treatises.
Computing Power
Agrapha's computers are state-of-the-art (for early 21st Century). This Trait provides 3 Story Points every game session that can only be spent on Technology-related rolls and related activities, like hacking into another computer system, cracking codes or performing some complex computer modelling to solve a problem.
Secret Base(s)
Agrapha bases are church basements, repurposed crypts and religious retreats. Who would suspect a thing?
Bad Traits
Unreliable (Funding)
Agrapha's funding comes from a variety of religious organizations. It is substantial, but neither entirely dependable nor regular.
Trouble at the Top
Four individuals lead Agrapha, respectively code-named Matthew, Marcus, Luke and John. Their identities are secret, even from senior agents and directors. Of course there are rumors that they are arch-bishops, cardinals and other influential religious figures (exactly who varies with who you ask). Sometimes conflicting requests and demands come down the chain of command. Sometimes they seem unsettlingly callous...
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