That sounds like the future (then, I still think 1999 sounds like the future).
I got into the new year in a good way. Took down my mailbox, so that it wouldn't get blown to bits on NYE. People like their fireworks around here. Spent most of the evening with the family. We made lasagna and ate it. It was a genuine family project. I made the meat sauce, my brother made the bechamel, my dad layered it, and my mom made the salad. Yum.
I got back to work in a good way too. I've spent most of the time so far counting candles, in the shop and on the shelves in the back room. Ukranian Girl had a good Christmas too.Nice to know that I CAN have a pleasant chat with someone I haven't known for 10+ years.
I've been watching a load of (mostly) horror films. Some of them were even good!
Today I started on editing/rewriting/clarifying one of my NaNoWriMo-stories. That feels surprisingly good.
Tonight I'm making tzimmes (Azhkenazi Jewish stew with beef, potatoes and prunes). Wish me luck!
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