I hate the fact that I have a total of four friends in Stockholm, and that only one share my music interest and he's always busy anyway. I NEED MORE FRIENDS.
I'm going alone to the
Friendly Noise-party tonight. I'm suuuuuch a loser.
Ugh. I hate being alone. I have this new kick ass-shirt too. And no one is here to see it!
Poop deluxe.
edit: I bought some beer at the convenient store and now I'm quite drunk. It's fun! I've been watching Buffy (season 5) and now I'm talking to Martina. I miss her. Now, making some falukorv and makaroner so that I sober up a bit. I will be leaving in about two hours and I plan on drinking at the party too. Tomorrow's gonna be an official hung over-day. Booyeah. Two big questionsmarks though: skirt or pants, and new camera or old camera. Seems like its gonna be skirt and old camera. Booyeah.