Why can't I just get a job writing fan fiction??? LIFE IS SO UNFAIR! I COULD FREELANCE! IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME! Except with so many fabulous writers writing fanfic, I probably wouldn't be able to get a job. bwah.
I keep imagining the cast of LotR in various roles in
Temeraire: The Movie!! and it's cracking me up, at the same time that it's making me giddy. EEEEEE!
I'd like to thank everyone who's commented on Do Not Lay Heavy On My Heart (and incidentally, could I have chosen a longer title? eegads). You all make me blush and I'm very very pleased with the silly little angsty melodrama. It's precioussss, yessss. Also! Duncan and Methos? ADORABLE OMG. How can they continue to be so lovely and gorgeous?
People have asked about a sequel, and honestly, I have thought about it. I thought about it when I was writing the darn thing, but the problem with a sequel is that it can only really go to one place - and that place is scary! And also obvious, kind of a cheap trick. I think the story works better alone. If I wrote a sequel, it would take away a bit from DNLHOMH (good lord, that title's too long!). I dunno. I'm mostly just rambling to myself, here, because I have itchy fingers and I'm writing a lot of original fic right now. At this moment, there will be no sequel. Ask me again next week. *g*
Thanks to the lovely and generous
melina123 I have watched the director's cut of The Kingdom of Heaven, which I want to do a more extended post on. Right now my reaction can be summed up as: Gosh, that's a lot of fun and my GOD why is Al Siddig not in EVERYTHING?