things progressing

Jan 18, 2005 14:53

I'm all moved in. My new roomie (BSF) is all moved in. Our new place is a sea of boxes, but it's still very nice. We loves it, yessss.

We lack many vital things, like dish racks and trash cans. *g* But, all in good time. Of course my bank account is suddenly even skinnier than it was already. bah!

I'm not exactly going into internet withdrawal (yet), but... it's weird! And strange. Like suddenly loosing one of my senses, only not quite that drastic. We do have a few channels coming in, so, I can watch some TV, and there are dvds and netflix, so media wise, I'm not cut off *entirely*. I'm trying to catch up on some of the reading I need to do, and of course there's unpacking and getting the place set up right. It'd be cool if I could somehow, you know, oh, write! during this enforced estrangement from my drug of choice. I have so much I have to (and want to) write, it's daunting. And of course, with a new apartment to play with, there are endless amounts of things I can use for Avoidance and Procrastination...

Escapade is right around the corner, and yet it feels a long time away. I'm not sure what kind of head space I'm going to be at when I'm there. I'm very focused these days on the two or three shows/films I care to be concerned about, and I'm not really in the mood to get pulled five million different fannish directions. Not that you can't tailor your Escapade experience, but still. *g*

I'm so used to existing as a fandom of one that sudden exposure to many others is always so very odd for me. It's like when you're a kid and you have your toys and then some other kid comes a long and plays with your toys and you're like, aaahhahahaaa, those are mine! But then you force yourself to share and you have fun, but then the other kids start like, chewing on your toys or otherwise mishandling your toys, that you take your toys and hide. *g*


(I'm weird, ya'll, just go with it. ;))

It'll be good to see all my favorite people, tho, which is the real reason I go anyway.


In other news, I just watched the HL episode The Colonel, which I know no one else likes, but I do, for some reason. It's got a generic bad guy (although I think he's particularly freaky, myself) and then there's Amanda's girlfriend with the amazingly bad wig and colored metallic ensemble, but I still like it a lot. *g*

Anyway, I was watching Amanda coach Melissa at Joe's and then there was the scene of them breaking into the department store, and I then suddenly really needed a Highlander/Ocean's 11 crossover like no one's business and it's distressing that there isn't one (is there? for the love of God, let me know if there is). I mean, it would be PERFECT. Like, all shades of perfect. Can you imagine Danny and Rusty meeting Amanda?!? Fireworks, baby. (not to mention Duncan and Methos! *squeal*) I... must have.


Someone out there write this for me. I beg.

life, highlander

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