so much to choose from!

Nov 15, 2004 16:39

I have succumbed to the lure of Netflix. Wheee :) This means I have wasted most of the work day fiddling with the queue. hee.

In other news...

-- Am still waiting for Season 5 of HL from the HL store. Bastards.

-- Have not done ANY WRITING in weeks. This is slowly driving me crazy, but I'm totally in Writing Avoidance Mode. *sighs dramatically*

-- Part of what I'm avoiding writing with is getting my computer up to vidding speed. Almost there! I can now rip and convert DVDs with ease. I could, theoretically, start vidding this very second (were I home, anyway) but for the lack of HD space. And so, I've become somewhat obsessed with ebay trying to score on a deal for an external HD. Fun! eta to say I should grovel with gratitude at Killa's feet for not only lending me the right software, but for letting me pester her with a multitude of questions. And also to Laura Shapiro who sold me her computer in the first place. :)

-- Haven't really started Yuletide story yet. Was hoping to get it going and finished before December but that looks unlikely now, mostly because I ended up with an assignment that requires me to reread a whole heck of a lot. Not complaining, but it's somewhat of a shame because I'd love to be writing now.

-- The real reason I'm in writing avoidance mode is because I feel, before I work on any more fanfiction (Yuletide aside), I have to work on some original fiction. And I'm just not in the write right headspace for that. And so, nothing gets done.

But hey, I have Netflix now! weeee.

misc, writing, yuletide

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