Loki tv series spoilers

Jun 09, 2021 12:22

AHHHH so much to write about so little time. :/

Quickly (hah), my thoughts on the first episode of LOKI behind the cut:

I admit I was more nervous about this series than either Wandavision or the Sam and Bucky show (or any of the shows that will come later). Mostly because I am that person that really really loved how they treated time travel in Endgame -- and because fans make me crazy, I aggressively love Steve's ending -- and I absolutely loved the possibility of all those alt timelines existing and I didn't want a new TV show to come along and basically snip all the fun timelines from Endgame in the bud. Endgame implied that returning the stones closed the branch timelines, but there was a lot of wiggle room there and I love wiggle room! Also it's pretty much fact now that Steve went back in time to an alternate timeline. But with LOKI there was this "one true sacred timeline" business and I was like uuuuuhhhhaaaahhhbbllthuuuuuffftfmmmflskkkkekeeee about it. (accurate description. hah).

Also, I had a lot of fun writing all the alt timelines in The Lifetimes of Steve Rogers so I wanted that to still work. That's a bit selfish of me because it very much does not matter at all what happens in canon, I can and do write what I want, but still -- I enjoyed making that story canon compliant within a setting of multiple timelines so, I am fond and attached to it. :D

Happily, after watching the first ep, I think I can work with that they're doing. Still 5 eps to go but so far so good! I've already created tiny fixes in my head haha. My head is a magical place (sorry. watching too much agents of shield).

Anyway, first thoughts:

~ A flustered Loki is glorious indeed. Very much love seeing Loki try for mischief and fail but then he still succeeded! He at least gave them a merry chase for a bit. Excellent.

~ Amused by the design aesthetic of this show. It's like if communism met middle america 1950s beaurocratic hellscape. That's the same color palate as Communist China.

~ I also wrote 2012 Loki getting a sudden and abrupt download of his alternate life, how the OG Loki died, how his mother died, and all that mess with Thanos. It makes sense for the character to have his eyes opened like that, so he can be different than the previous Loki. Find a new path. New adventures. But he has to change internally somehow, he has to have some kind of awareness of why he must change. Still mischief making though. Always.

~ I'm all about some other variant of Loki causing maximum chaos to the TVA! Burn it all down! That will be fun. Loki hunting Loki. Good times. I can see how this series will progress, and how it might feed into the Multiverse of Madness movie. I'm excited!

~ The one thing that bothered me is how human everyone at TVA looks. I am assuming it's just how Loki is perceiving it, which is kind of funny when you think about it. Maybe they'll address it at one point.

~ I did love the drawer full of Infinity Stones though hahahaha.

~ Whenever there's an attempt in a TV show or movie to show a location that exists outside of time (I'm remembering the time ship on ST Voyager right now and how they kept trying to fix the timeline and failing) my brain screeches to a halt. How does that even work?? lol

~That's a huge complex for the TVA. So big! What are they all doing? Are there that many timeline variants happening all the time? If so, that's amazing. I mean, really. Hilarious and I love it. I love that sentient beings cause that much chaos all the time. Way to go! Keep it up. But if it all exists out of time and everything is known already, then how are new variants happening????? AHHHH *brain explodes*

~The use of the word "sacred" for the timeline reads like this is all a cult, which is fascinating.

ETA: ~ Thinking more about this while I was making myself a grilled cheese sandwich, the very fact that the TVA exists makes it a lot easier. It means a) obviously alt timelines are real since they have to go around and fix them, and b) it's not the universe that maintains any sort of order or integrity (quite the opposite apparently), it's a bunch of bureaucrats. They have departments. They have lunch breaks and have to go get their hair cut. And are fallible and malleable. They make jokes. My point is that since it's real people and not an unmovable fact, anyone can make them do anything. Which the MCU is clearly all set to prove.

Anyway, i have more to post about stuff but am so behind on work. booooooo. Dreamwidth Post |

mcu, marvel cinematic universe, loki series, loki

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