Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

Jan 02, 2015 13:22

I have now seen all the MCU to date. \o/!!! And now I have to wait forever for all the rest of them. Man, this is worse than a live TV show. lol.

While I have watched all the films more than once and enjoy rewatching the films (because they are comforting, yes) I doubt I will have any desire to rewatch M:AoS, but I did like it a lot more than I thought I would.

A few thoughts on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD ~

My personal order of character preference:

Bobbi Morse
Jemma Simmons
everyone else

I like the rest of the characters (and cast) very much, too, but far and away those two are my favorite. I know Agent May is a favorite, and she is cool, but I had a hard time warming up to her, over all. I also adored undamaged Fitz, and while I continue to love him damaged and appreciate that the show didn't just magically fix him nor actually kill him, it makes me sad. I'm impressed with the young actor who plays him, though, he does a fantastic job being almost-the-same-as-before-but-not-at-all-the-same-actually. I do love the friendship he has with Mac.

I found most of the plot for both seasons a bit tedious here and there -- I'm not very interested in how/why Coulson died/didn't die, nor do I ever need to see his naked brain ever again, or anyone's naked brain, thank you. And then the carving thing, which gave way to the Diviner thing -- also tedious, imo, mostly because so many monumentally dumb decisions were made in pursuit of it.

My brain can understand how this tv show is part of the MCU, but while the films are all linked together in a way that I totally believe they exist in the same time and space, the TV show hasn't quite reached that for me. It was awesome to see Maria Hill and Fury both on the show, and that does help somewhat, but it's not only the lack of the other movie characters appearing - the look and feel of the tv show is very different imo to the films. Some of that is just the production values and budget on a tv show can't really be what they have for film, but the result is that I have to mentally remember that they are part of the same universe instead of inherently believe it the way the films all tie together really well.

I like Skye/Daisy, but she's far and away better in the second season than the first. I spent a lot of time admiring her hair (lol, there is some seriously good hair on this show. For being a rogue band of agents, they have time for some styling) but I do like Skye a lot. I'm pretty clueless about the comics, so I have no idea who Daisy is in the comics, and I gather from wikipedia that the MCU Skye/Daisy is also an inhuman, whatever that is! I am sure I will find out! Don't spoil me. :D

Also, I am disappointed that Grant Ward wasn't killed but Triplett was, wtf. Hey, let's kill the black guy on a tv show, because no one ever does that. Grant Ward was barely tolerable as a good guy, and he's actually far more interesting as a bad guy, but it sucks that he gets to live and quite frankly his face is annoying. He is, imo, worse than Whitehall, in terms of being an evil manipulative bastard and murderer. Evil Dr. Cal whatever his name is Dr. Hyde? He was creepy. Not least of which because Kyle is like an expert at being smarmingly super creepy (oh Agent Cooper, where have you gone?? lol). My favorite detail about his performance is that he was always sweaty, like, shiny forehead sweaty, all the time. I'm going to assume that was on purpose because it was GENIUS.

But back to Bobbi Morse, I am predisposed to love Adrianne Palicki, so it's no real surprise that I love her on this show. I see that she's not a series regular, which I frown at. Why is Lance a regular but Bobbi isn't? Not that I don't also like Lance, but there are about a million tv and film characters that are just like Lance Hunter. He is nothing new. Charming, snarky, a little cute, a little divided in morality and loyalty, whatever, zzzzz. This could be the Bobbi Morse show and I would be happy. I want to see her and Natasha working together! I also love her and Jemma working together. I don't really need it to be femslash, exactly, although I wouldn't complain, but I just think all the cool girls should hang, ya know. lol. The little flashes that we got of that on the show were aces.

Anyway, I did very much enjoy M:AoS! It's a fun diversion. I want more of the same, with less manpain and boyangst, please.

On a related note, I have been watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix, and, aside from mostly finding the show charming and amusing for a sitcom, I am further entertained by my head canon that Robin Scherbatsky is a cover for Maria Hill and no one is the wiser. hahaha.

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marvel cinematic universe, television, agents of shield

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