I want to believe...

Nov 01, 2014 20:56

So, this is where we're at:

~ Mom's gall bladder surgery SUCCESS. woo hoo. The surgery itself was a breeze but she was very sick afterward from the drugs for a couple of days, but she was pretty much a new woman 2 weeks after the surgery.

~ I love my mom, but after a more than a month long visit staying with me the entire time, I almost wept with happiness and relief when she finally returned to her home. Seriously, I was giddy with FREEDOM. It's been a couple of weeks now, and I'm still just over the moon when I get to be home for an evening and I get my apartment to myself. lol.

~ While Mom was here, we watched all of Haven on Netflix. I just love their faces. It's not in the least bit like Leverage (and in my opinion Leverage is a more neatly held together show and has a stronger family theme that makes it TOPS in my book) but it hits the exact same happy spot in my heart as Leverage. Could be the threesome thing. Probably. ;)

~ I finally (finally) caved and started an X-Files rematch on Netflix. I blame Tumblr. But, you guys, this is monumental! I watched X-Files first run in college and now I am older than either DD or GA were when they were on the show. It's a total mind boogie. But I have not watched these episodes in the meantime. I have not watched some of these episodes in more than 20 years. OY.

~ So, like, when I first started watching X-Files way back long ago, I watched it fully in the Mulder camp. I mean, that I believed what he believed. I was like poor Mulder, no one believes him! Why is everyone so mean to him! (Although I loved Scully and never minded that she was a "non believer") Now, I'm watching it, especially season 1, and I'm like whoa, Mulder, pull it back some there, not everything is alien related. Except that it kind of is.

~ I find, 20 years later and with the advantage of some age, that Mulder was way too trusting and that Scully was absolutely right to be as skeptical and non-believing as she was. However, the show is written in such a way that Mulder is always right even when he doesn't have the right to be, and that makes Scully, as the skeptic, always wrong, even though she is really always totally right. It's kind of annoying. As the mytharc progresses, though, most of that starts to even out.

~ But in actually, my love for Mulder and Scully (Mulder/Scully!!!), goes deep. Like cellular level deep. Part of my genetic make-up deep.

~ Scully FTW. ILU SCULLY. "Please explain to me the scientific nature of the 'whammy'."

~ The cockroach episode is still the most revolting hour of TV ever.

~ I am also having a lot of fun joining in on the Highlander Rewatch over at
killabeez journal. Season 1 should just be renamed the 'Tessa Is Better Than You' tv show.

~ It's like I'm stuck in the 90s! Which is I guess an improvement from that time I was stuck in the 70s.

~ Along with the X-Files rematch and the Highlander rewatch, I am totally enjoying the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Clearly I have a thing for found families! Not certain if this will survive the upcoming films -- this isn't a TV show but it's still very much a "live" fandom where things could still go sideways -- and also it's like years out. Not sure I have the staying power all the way into 2019 or whatever.

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marvel cinematic universe, leverage, television, haven, highlander, x-files, real life

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