Oh, that's what the box in my living room is for

May 10, 2014 15:41

I guess the trick to getting me to watch broadcast television[1] again is promising me more 24, Jack Bauer, and Chloe O'Brian. The last time I watched a TV show as it aired was season 8 of 24. So! Yeah.

Oh Jack.

I admit I had a twinge of apprehension with 24's return. I actually loved how season 8 ended, even with Jack going into exile/hiding whatever. I thought it was an excellent season and as good as it could ever get for Jack, really. This way I could envision Jack and Tony meeting up somewhere (because Tony would get out of prison. HE WOULD. AND THEY WOULD BE TOGETHER. OF COURSE.)

Generally speaking, I have apprehension whenever a TV show I loved is brought back. I like closed canons! I really really really prefer closed canons. Especially after a show has been off the air for some time, to bring it back, I'm just like, oh dear what are you guys going to do to my show! I survived HL Endgame but I've avoided the other film/tv movie whatever it is.

Also, the promo picture with Chloe O'Brian all goth and black eyeliner'd up, and also clearly injured - well, I was like omg what what? I'm not a rabid Chloe fan at all, but I do love her. And I loved Jack's and her relationship, which I read was starting at a bad point this year. yoinks.

As much as I loved 24 (and I rewatched all 8 seasons on netflix before they lost their licensing agreement) my emotional crisis with Jack Bauer happened back in season 6, so I'm at a much better place to not be that invested. Also, Jack Bauer has been through so much. I mean, I really and truly believe he has been through more torture and torment and really really bad things and has done really really bad things far more than just about any other fictional character I care about except possibly Methos. Possibly. And as a result, Jack is pretty much hardened to stone. So, I'm like, well, whatever the writers throw at him, at this point all they can really do to him is kill him. Which they probably won't do. Anything else might knock him down for a bit, but he'll get back up.

Anyway, that's the long way around to saying I absolutely LOVED the first 2 hours of 24 this past Monday. I thought they were fantastic and an example of 24 at its best.

~ I knew the instant Jack was surrounded that he wanted to get captured. But I loved how the writers knew we would all know and so told us, yes, you are right, Jack's playing them, by giving us that small smile from Jack.

~ I LOVED how Jack didn't speak for like the first 40 minutes. Awesome.

~ I have never been a Jack/Chloe romantic pairing person, I like their platonic dynamic which isn't quite mentor/student, not quite brother/sister, not quite boss/minion. It's unique. But whatever's going on with them with so much that's changed between them, and how different they both are since the last time they were together. And also how kind of hot Chloe looks now, I don't know! I may be changing into a Jack/Chloe person! We'll see how they continue on.

~ Love that moment when Chloe rescues Jack by hotwiring the car and he can't help but be like woah you are not the chloe I once knew. <3 <3

~ I like the new blonde Kate person who is smarter than everyone else she works with. Although she looks almost exactly like the blonde Kate from season 2. So, I'm like, come on guys, at least give her a different name... Anyway, she's clearly the Jack Bauer of that CIA group, since she's right and no one's listening to her and so she has to do things on her own.

~ I had a moment because the rogue hacker person is played by Maria Jackson's dad Alan from The Sarah Jane Adventures. And I was like omg hi yummy dad Alan. But then he got a stiletto through his ear. ow.

~ I'm not caring much for the Presidential story line with Pres Heller (sniff. miss Cherry Jones) or Audrey, although I am so vary glad Audrey is not a vegetable. What is it with all these political shows that have slippery and weasely chiefs of staff? Although to be fair, 24 has had a nice long tradition of weasely chiefs of staff, so they started the trend.

Totally looking forward to the rest of it! At first I was uncertain about it not being actually 24 hours, but I'm sold on the new format.


In other news, I am in line edit hell. Someone come rescue me.

Also, quite without intention, I have become absolutely in love with Leverage. I never finished watching it past midway through season 2, and even when I started watching it again on Netflix, it wasn't until seasons 4 and 5, and the character growth shown in the final season for all the characters, and the basically canonical threesome that I actually began to pay attention, and had to rewatch again. I love shows like this, low stress, found family, characters stay in character but still grow and change, and they so clearly love each other. It's like a big love fest.

Maybe I'll talk more about why I love Leverage, and how more TV shows would do better to emulate at least the character consistency. I mean, as a writer and a creator of content, I can't say now much Leverage pleased me. But, right now I have to get back to line edit hell. oy.


Lastly, I highly recommend Jon Favereau's new film Chef. It was delightful.

[1] except for the Olympics. The Olympics will always get me to turn my TV on.

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movies, 24, leverage

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