Grumpy for no reason, really. Could be the weather which has suddenly turned gloomy.
--My mom is now addicted to Alias. :) Job well done, I say. *pats self on back*. Next up to corrupt, my cousin. *g* Mom and I are currently devouring Season 2 eps as fast as possible, which isn't very fast since I'm never home, but, woo! Season 2 is a thing of beauty, it really is. I'd forgotten how amazing the Server 47 episode was. I hadn't seen it since it aired. It's going to be fun to see how she takes the season 2 finale. eheheh.
--My dad bought me the Pirates of the Caribbean dvd for by birthday a few weeks ago. I love this movie. I was watching it non stop for a few days there. And my Johnny Depp affection has soared into enduring love. I mean, I liked the movie before. A lot. Enough to see it twice in the theatres and to read a couple of fics. But now, I think it deserves to be bold in my list of
Fandoms throughout Life. However, my love just might be defeated by the sprawlingness and general disorganized mess that is the PotC fandom. I appear to lack the patience to troll through LJ looking for fic, many of which, should I follow a link, ends up being friends locked. And honestly, that pisses me off. *grump*
--I have this (rather sad) habit of watching a few minutes of Highlander everyday just before going to bed. But because I'm always so sleepy, I never make it through more than 5 or 10 minutes before I have to turn it off and go to sleep. For this reason, if I happen to see an episode when I'm actually awake, there's always whole sections of dialogue and action that are bafflingly unfamiliar.
-I also have to watch these eps in chronological order, which just adds a whole level of peculiar analness to my rather sad habit. And then I'm all annoyed if for some reason I have to go out of order. Weirdo!
--I'm at the part with my current story where I'm anxious to finish and I keep rereading parts and tweaking bits and pieces (and I still think it's amazingly boring) but I'm also just kinda staring at it. Because it's there. I'm only half-way finished. And it's not very long at all. sigh.
--Despite this, I love Duncan and Methos. Very much. They're all hurty and things. *pets*
--I pine for Killa. *pines*