And eight! eight! I forget what eight was for!

Jun 11, 2012 23:59

Rewriting is a bitch.


I meant to comment on Lost Girl, both seasons, which I actually managed to finish a couple of months ago, but then I got distracted by so many things I've lost count now. Anyway, I truly loved it although I was a little underwhelmed by the main plot of most of the second season.

* I loved everyone in this show. All the characters. At first I wasn't entirely sure how much I would care for the quirky/flippant way of Kenzi's dialogue, fearing it would be too, well, whedonesque (:::ducks:::) but while it was a tad unnatural at the start, the actress quickly won my heart and Kenzi was my absolute favorite of the show.

*Bo is a close second. :D And then its a tie between Trick and Hale. :D :D

*I did really like Dyson (especially because the actor is smokin hot, yo), but I gotta say I grew a tad tired of his monumental wolfman pain. Whatevs, dude. That can all be left behind, please.

*Also, possibly of a somewhat unpopular opinion, neither was I very much enamored of Doctor Lauren. The whole girlfriend in a coma thing got tired, at least for me. And then they killed the girlfriend and Lauren was all conflicted about it but in a whiny sort of way and it just made me want to throw things at her. Possibly I was channeling Kenzi? I don't know. She (Lauren) was also a bit... of a downer, imo. I found it difficult to get enthused about her, although I appreciated the Bo/Lauren quite a bit.

* Of another possibly unpopular opinion was that I really liked Lachlan, and was very sad to see him go. He was interesting and complex, which I appreciate.

* I knew I had found a kindred spirit in this television show when they had a flashback to the Scottish highlands complete with sketchy scottish accents and friendly betrayals. HAHAHA.

* I probably had more profound things to say but, sadly I can't remember now. :\ Most of the show was completely ridiculous but charmingly so. The main plot of the second season was needlessly odd and complex, imo, and I couldn't for the life of me care one bit about this Garuda or whatever. It seemed to be all generated drama, not much of it organic to the show. The show shines best when it keeps things simpler.


I have signed up for
hl_chronicles! yay! Haven't a clue which story to choose, though. o.O

Oh, and I was very much remiss not to publicly acknowledge and admire the lovely pic
nrrrdy_grrrl made for the 20 years challenge for my story Crash of Light. You can see it here. I love it. I can't say I thought much about where they would be in 20 years after the end of that story, but naturally they would still be together. And in kilts. Yes. :D :D


I haven't seen the Avengers. This is woeful, but I'm sure it will eventually be remedied, somehow. I am not much into this fandom but I have been enjoying most of these films, so I'm eager to see this thing that so many of you like so much.


I managed to acquire all of the Harry Potter audiobooks as read by Stephen Fry (UK version) and then listened to them no less than 3 times, all the way through. Possibly four times. I'm a bit fuzzy on that. Talk to me if you would like them. I'm sure we can figure out a way.

They are as near to perfect as can be. Although Stephen Fry's Fleur Delaceur made me think of Maurice from Highlander which was possibly the most unintentionally hilarious thing ever and sent me regularly into giggle fits while driving.


May was one busy (understatement!) month. I'm hoping that things will be less ridiculous from here on out. One can hope.


Yes, the family continues to be somewhat bonkers. Dad is feeling better, so I'm told. Mom was having trouble with her eyesight, but I guess that's also a bit better, although she called me in tears the other day for I don't even know what. She was feeling down, I guess. Sister went back to an inpatient clinic for a couple of weeks. She should be back out again by the end of the week. I've been speaking with her a little more regularly which is good. She's a hot mess, though.


LJ sent me an email about their migrating scrapbook for pictures, which I confess I hardly paid attention to, but I finally checked it out today and rather rediscovered all my icons! I almost forgot all about them. Many of them are a bit so so or worse, but a few of them are quite lovely. So many Oz icons, I had forgotten that I was doing all that. I stopped when my old computer got rained on and this new one (well, it's no longer new) has a version of photoshop that I find annoying. sigh.


Oh! I remembered something I wanted to say! I finally (FINALLY) finished watching all of Deep Space Nine. Only took me three years.... I thought I would never get out of the Dominion War, was getting a bit desperate there. When I hit the Ezri episodes I knew I was almost done! lol. (And weirdly, adore Ezri, always have, and a lot more than I liked Jadzia. I know, I'm weird, what can I say) And have joyfully begun Star Trek: Voyager. If you recall (or you don't recall...) I was attempting to watch all of Star Trek in chronological order, but the experiment has not really been, um, attended to with much diligence, sadly. And I had meant to watch the TOS and TNG films at the appropriate times but that never seemed to happen. Anyways, I have begun Voyager and I am awash in total complete love. I only watch it here and there, when I want to snack on an episode and, you guys, it's my show! sigh. I couldn't tell you why I love this show out of all the trek shows so much but I do.

Too bad the show was popular in that awkward period of fandom when so many began to host their fiction on private websites that have vanished. It was always rather the redheaded stepchild of the franchise. Hunting down fiction is like doing major archeological excavations. *pets it lovingly*


Nine Nine Nine for the Lost God...

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st: ds9, harry potter, lost girl, st: voy, star trek, highlander

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