dangerous on both ends and crafty in the middle

Dec 22, 2011 08:46

Firstly, don't forget to go to the Highlander Holiday Shortcuts Exchange and check out all the wonderful new Highlander stories coming through each day! A MUST. DO IT!


Went to see the new Sherlock Sherrly Holmes film yesterday. Loved it like PIE. Seriously. I believe I loved it more than the first one, which I liked quite a bit but never got giddy over . Not sure giddiness and any incarnation of Sherlock Holmes is likely. Very fond I am of Sherlock in general but have never been uber passionate about it. Anyhoo, this second film was FUN. And I loved it like PIE.

~ I request, nay demand, that Mycroft be present in every Sherlock Holmes film forever more.

~ You may say I live under a rock, and that very well might be true, because I had no idea that Stephen Fry was in this film. I was thrilled.

~ For most of the film I had no clue what was actually going on re: the plot and Moriarty and some lost brother that needed to be found, but by the end of the film it all came together and was relatively clear. I was a little like "um, is Sherrly going to change history and prevent WW1?" a la Inglorious Basterds, and I was fuzzy on the year, but then no, it became clear that he only prevented its happening prematurely.

~ I was glad to see that Sherlock and John were less petulant/annoyed with each other in general. There was still a lot of that in the beginning, and Sherlock acts like a kid who's lolly got taken away, but that all sort of went away when the action got going. I support this trend. And in future films, should there be more, I request that Mary take on more of a central role. I like her.

~ One of the reasons I could never get into Sherlock Holmes is largely due to the character of Moriarty. I dunno, it's distressing to have Sherlock constantly outmaneuvered. Never cared for it. I guess it's because Sherlock, as he is written, is pretty infallible, so naturally, to create a character who can match Sherlock means stalemate, and the whole thing just either bored me or made me uncomfortable. Anyway, that dynamic bothered me much less in this film. Could be the excellent Jared Harris, or the fact that this is more a blockbuster than an intellectual pursuit. *g*

~ Along the same vein, another reason I could never get into Sherlock Holmes was the relationship between him and Watson but I like this new Sherlock and Watson a whole lot more, and not just because Jude is scrumptious and RDJ is my BFF, but because it's a lot more on even footing than, as I perceived it, it is in the stories. The basic dynamic is the same, but Watson is not always 3 steps behind Sherlock, even when Sherlock is miles ahead of everyone else in the game.

~ Of course, I loved the crossing the border with horses scene, and RDJ on a pony! LOVE. "Slow and steady wins the race." hahahaha. PONY. SHAGGY LITTLE PONY.


In other news, I leave today for parts south to hang with the 'rents over Christmas. Furiously doing laundry right now and then have to run a couple of errands before I can get on the road.

Yesterday, I had a private riding lesson with the intent to start some ground work toward going over fences. Whee! So, trot poles and canter poles. We did pretty good. I've done both before, but not for a while now, and it was gratifying that it went so well. My two-point needs work.


It seems like the LJ/DW shuffle has reared its head again. Nothing's changing on my end. Will continue to cross post, but am mostly reading from LJ. Still don't much like DW in terms of usability , but welcome any one who is there to find me! Same user name. Straddling the two journals is occasionally annoying but not that difficult.

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hlh_shortcuts, movies, horseback riding

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