inter alia

Oct 22, 2009 09:50

Yay, yuletide!


And, actually, I can't remember now what my final 6 choices were.... god, my brain. I AM DISTRACTED. Anyway, I hemmed and hawed for a while and many that I might want were already nominated. I know for a fact that I nominated 24, L. Frank Baum - Oz Books, Nate & Hayes, The Windflower. Can't for the life of me remember what the other 2 were.... Wiseguy, probably, and probably Lost in Austen, but I was waffling on those two vs Leverage and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Ocean's 11 and Northanger Abbey. sigh. I think I decided all those were more than likely to get nominated 100 times over, so I could keep them or not.

Also, I've come to the realization that I had better not request Leverage. I dunno. I'm reading a lot of what's being written for this fandom already, and I'm being snooty about it.

Definitely, I am requesting 24 -- I sort of forgot to add Hamri Al-Assad as a character, though (d'oh!), but that's okay, because I really can't expect my secret santa to write the epic multi-chapter 24/HL opus I want. lol. Conveniently, I also desperately (understatement) crave Jack/Tony and also Jack/Tony/Michelle (HUSH. IT CAN HAPPEN).

I still want Ozma/Dorothy, girl adventures in the wilds of Oz!

I'm on the fence about my two Pirate nominations -- I nominated The Wildflower because I just finished reading it (finally) and, although I think overall I didn't care for it that much, I found Rand Morgan and Cat and their relationship by far the most interesting thing in the novel, and so, I dunno, maybe a story might get written and wouldn't that be cool.

Nate & Hayes is charming and fun and has a built in threesome, but so damn obscure. It's almost a wasted request.

There should be overflowing amounts of Lost in Austen fiction and there isn't and that's tragic beyond the telling.

And I've been in a Wiseguy sort of mood lately, so I may request that.

So, I'm thinking:

24, Jack/Tony, Jack/Tony/Michelle (FOR SURE)
L. Frank Baum - Oz Series, Ozma/Dorothy

and then I can't decide. lol.


Okay, so, how much do I love Luke and Clyde and Maria, and Rani. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I was actually a lot less impressed with Elizabeth Sladen this time around, but I think I shall fault the writers in writing her so weird. Stop making her wig out, show. srsly.

Because they are, you know, KIDS, I really don't think I can read explicit stories about them, but omg Luke/Clyde are so cute together I really can't stand it. It's killing me. The force of their adorableness is too strong. I am weighed down by immeasurable amounts of puppylove and can't find my way out.

How much did I love seeing Alan Jackson again? SO MUCH. In that episode where Luke calls Maria in the US and Alan is in his scruffy-morning-bedheadness of HOT, I admit it, I was distracted (Also, UNIT, easiest government system to hack into ever, y/y?). I still secretly want Alan/Sarah Jane, Alan/Ten. THIS SHOULD EXIST. IN EVERY UNIVERSE.

On the whole I was much more enchanted with series 1, however, as my rambling can attest to, as the kids get a little older, they're awesomeness seems to grow exponentially. I'm looking forward to Series 3. whee!

~ Haven't started on my hlh_shortcut story or my dw_femslash story. *big eyes*

oz books, pirates, wiseguy, 24, leverage, sarah jane adventures, yuletide

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