it hurts to type. owie.

Sep 13, 2009 16:32

Got bucked off TWICE yesterday (riding a horse named Bart. The name should have been a clue *g*) Flipped out attempting the right lead canter. First time we didn't get to the canter he just reared and then bucked. Then I got back on, started the right lead, went for a little bit, and then whammo. I was so annoyed. I'm not riding that horse any more; I really hope they don't assign him to me again, although he's decent at the walk/trot. Tweaked my hand it's a bit swollen and bruised, but I still rode today in the Dressage Show (on my pal Scotty, what a trooper) and did... okay. But not great. My hand hurt, so I think I should get a gold star for not canceling. lol.

I also participated in the group equitation class, which just ended up being me and another junior, but it was cool (and I enjoyed it better than the test).


Draft of story done omg yay! WHEE. Took friday off from work and just barreled through. Now editing.

writing, horseback riding

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