VVC 2009 Vid Recs

Aug 21, 2009 15:34

I think I better do this now, or it'll never get done. :)

I'm going through these in the order they are in the program book, and from my sketchy memory, and stuck to vids that were new to me, with one exception. Also, I was out late to a Dodgers game last night, and previously was up late writing, and then got no sleep at VVC, so, you know, my comments are limited to the "omg things go boom shiny want moar" variety.

Lead Balloon, by sweetestdrain (Doctor Who). MICKEY. I loved this vid from beginning to end. Was very happy to see a Mickey vid, and reminded me that I have a story I need to write about him.

Blackbirds, by killabeez (Highlander). This vid was my happy place all weekend. I'm just saying. You know where my head was. lol. There are so many wonderful things to say about this vid, but I think my favorite is that she sprinkled Methos throughout, and then you get a big dose at the end. :D :D

Can Delight, by jescaflowne (Multi, cheerleading). I stared at this vid in wonder during Club Vivid. It's like magic. How does she make things go?

Mothership, by laurashapiro (Doctor Who). This vid shows the fun happy that is 90% of Doctor Who, and why I remain enchanted by the show.

Naughty Girl, by sweetestdrain (Excalibur). OMG. A vid to Excalibur! In a sea of bright teenbop Merlin vids, there is this shining gem. Man, does this vid bring back memories, and revelations. I forgot half those actors were in the film. haha. And, of course, the lady in the lake. How I wanted to be the lady in the lake.

Take It Off, by greensliver (Multi). This vid automatically won my heart by including clips from Lost In Austen, which I am currently just a weee bit obsessed with. :D I feel like this vid was made for me. Het couples! Yummy!

Love, Etc., by rhoboat (Ashes to Ashes). I can honestly say this is the one vid I have watched on repeat the most since returning from VVC. It has reminded me how much I loved A2A, and Alex and Gene, and also reminded me how impressed I was with the show in general. I haven't watched the new series yet, but it's next on my list. Aside from my love of this show that this vid exemplifies, I am also love how the color red is woven throughout, married the to steel blues and grays.

Twilight Zone, by gwen_r (Charlie Jade). I have yet to actually watch this show. But I've loved every vid I've seen about. :) So, clearly, I must watch it! This vid is compelling. It has great use of movement, and it carries the viewer through the same wacky world that Charlie (presumably) is going through. I've also watched this vid a number of times since VVC.

It Comes and Goes in Waves, by mlyn and feochadn (Varg Veum movies). This vid and Marble House were the two break away hits for me for this year's Premieres show. I was engaged and interested in the source and the vid from the first shot of a bird flying casually over the rooftops of a town. Even before the reveal toward the end of the vid, I was intrigued by the life of this man we were watching, and the people was interacting with, and then we make the realization that this guy has got some troubles. All of this was immensely aided by the excellent song choice. I'm pretty sure I would not have been held quite so captive by the vid if the song choice didn't also bring me into the world that I was watching.

Marble House by hollywoodgrrl (Doctor Who). Wow. I was stunned by this vid. When it started, I must admit I was totally skeptical. I've developed some distance in relation to DW these days, and I really wasn't in the right frame of mind to be generous with any vid that was gonna show me Ten's uber timelord pain (as much as I love Ten's uber timelord pain). However I was completely blown away by this vid, from the song choice, to the expert building and reveal, to the premise, and how, although it focuses on the Family of Blood/Human Nature episodes, it actually encompasses everything. Yes, there are days I am ashamed to be human.

Land, by sweetestdrain (Terminator movies, TSCC). Although I haven't seen The Sarah Connor Chronicles yet (I know, I know, I'm busy, all right), I have loved all of these movies (yes, even the third one) and love the universe in general, and I also may be the only person in creation who loved the most recent film (what?), so actually, the only way this vid could be better, imo, is if it had some footage from Terminator: Salvation (I was looking for it! And it wasn't there! Just one clip would have done me. lol). But beside that, this vid is intense. I can't think of anything else to say about it, besides I was enthralled from start to finish. And I appreciated that it focused on John and Sarah.

Swing by marycrawford (ST: TOS). Uhura! An Uhura vid, and *my* Uhura. She sparkles off the screen. Awesome. Loved it. Want more.

ETA: And in conclusion, sweetestdrain totally wins a cookie. *g*

vids, vvc

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