A request; A theory; An observation

Jun 05, 2009 08:23

(this post could not get more random if I tried. just warning you all)

Does anyone on my friends list own a copy of The Windflower by Laura London, aka Sharon and Tom Curtis, that I could borrow? I'll pay for shipping to and fro! It's out of print and not at any of my local libraries, and all the used copies I've found are like $75, which, I don't care how good a romance novel is, that's ridiculous. I haven't delved into ebay yet, but that way lies desperation. Anyway, I'd thought I'd ask the mighty friend's list. halp!


I have a theory that is 24 and Highlander related. It will only be of interest to one, maybe two people on my friends list -- my theory, which is mine, that I have, that is mine, is mine:

Are you ready? My theory is that Hamri Al Assad is immortal. TA DA. *blinks at you all like Anne Elk*

I haven't set out to prove my theory yet, and couldn't possibly until 24 is no longer airing, but the theory is mine, and I won't let it go. lol.


I am saddened by the news of David Carradine's death. Kung Fu was a fun show to watch. I have vivid memories of being freaked out by it on a regular basis, calling my friends "young grasshopper", and wondering why the main character had to get branded. Seriously, I watched the series a lot, but only remember the old teacher, and the opening sequence, and some shots of the guy wandering around the Old West with a large stick. But I never forgot David Carradine from then on.

The news article is saying they don't think it's suicide, but probably some sort of accident in an attempt at auto-erotic asphyxiation [1].

I saw David Carradine in person once, not that long ago. It was at a restaurant with outdoor seating in a very hip and happening part of town. There are always tons of people milling about and looking cool and stuff. You cant' walk down the sidewalk without weaving in and out of the crowds, that sort of thing. And he was there with a large group of people, all much younger than him, and it looked like friends and family. And the entire time he was there before they all got up and walked away, I was like quietly going "DUDE. KILL BILL IS SITTING NEXT TO US." That was fun. I think I'll remember him that way.

[1] When I was younger, I thought this term meant it involved a car. And was always slightly confused.

24, books, links, highlander

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