Hold the phone, I present the real "Keeping Up with the Cardassians."

May 21, 2009 17:56

Thanks to mysteriously wonderful gray_bard, I present to you all the Keeping Up With The Cardassians Episode Guide

Brilliant highlights:

Episode Two

A sex tape featuring Legate Damar's daughter Kata and two Ferengi club owners circulates around the Federation of Planets. Dukat posts a rant on his blog dissing Snoop Dogg and starts a West Coast-Delta Quadrant rap war.

Episode Three

Legate Damar's daughters want Lil Wayne to sing at their sweet-16 party. After much convincing, Lil Wayne agrees to do it in exchange for a Galor-class starship with custom Romulan rims. Garak's daughter Seska drops a record and sets out on a tour to promote her new single, "Touch My Nebula."

Episode Five

The Damar girls go shopping on Rodeo Drive and their intergalactic MasterCard is denied. They call their father, who tells them money doesn't grow in replicators. Seska meets the Jonas Brothers on tour; rumors of Joe Jonas caressing her neck ridges at a Grammy party surface on Perez Hilton.

omg you guys, is Seska really Garak's daughter?? And how sad and completely geeky is it that that's part that I was all omg whut? lol.

Brilliant. Trust McSweeney's to be just ridiculously awesome.

st: ds9, star trek

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