Nothing going on here, how are you?

Jan 27, 2009 10:43

--Oh dear, Emerson's dead. o.O Or, you know, "dead". And by all acounts, it wasn't just because of the Mexican standoff, but he needed to be killed if Tony and Jack were going to prep and turn the Prime Minister and his wife correctly before handing them over to the bad guys. (PW peeps? Is that really it?)

--See this? This is me not freaking out about Tony. Nope. Not at all. Calm as a cucumber, that's me. He's in a bad place -- as bad as Jack was last season -- and annoyingly he doesn't have the buffer of being the lead character in this tv show to protect him from losing his shit, which - there were moments in last night's episode where I really couldn't tell what was going on with him, where his loyalties and his heart lay, or just how damaged he is. That whole Emerson business was beyond difficult (and Tony was obviously being manipulated and controlled by Emerson, who purposely used Tony's heartache and pain as leverage. Not sure Tony's in a place where he can recognize that the whole "we were brothers" bullshit is prime grade manipulation.) -- and then finding out that Henderson, the man responsible for killing Michelle, was also responsible for keeping Tony alive. That's gotta sting (no matter how ridiculously implausible it is. I swear, 24 is more a fantasy show than Merlin or Doctor Who and I dare you to prove otherwise.) Right now I think Tony is still one foot on the side of "bad guy" -- or at least half-a-foot. meep.

--Saying that, the Mexican standoff was tense! And damn, look at Tony (who was always more of an analyst than a field man) pull a Jack Bauer and shoot that second gunman without hesitation, *bam*, then taking out Emerson without getting Jack killed. Excellent.

--I gotta give full props to both Kiefer and Carlos Bernard, especially Carlos -- who I've never seen act in anything else. 24 has uneven plotting and outlandish storylines that skirt the edge of logic, but the acting is consistently *outstanding*.

--I'm glad Agent Walker is not dead. I wonder how long she's going to stick around now. I'm sort of so so on her, in general. I liked her initially, but I'm not getting the right kind of chemistry between her and Jack. I don't know; verdicit still pending.

--Bill! Chloe! I'm just going to be happy each time they're on screen. I think I'm allowed. *g* Does this mean Morris is as at home taking care of the baby? omg I luv it.

--I really like President Cherry Jones. Sucks about the not-quite-dead-yet First Gentleman. I'm having a hard time believing Secret Service officers an be turned bad quite that successfully. So far, this season has not given any reason for the actions of this secret axis of evil that's working within the government. Although it is early days yet -- motivation won't come into play until hours from now. It's gotta be more than just not trusting Allison Tayler.

--I love how Roque!CTU is like only *marginally* on the side of good. They are all walking that line so closely, and well, Jack always walks that line, but this time it's his entire team.

I'm gonna try to keep the 24 talk to a minimum this season, but I gotta de-stress from it somehow. Also, I'm rewatching Day 1, but it's like watching a roll call of dead people. Practically everyone from that first day is dead -- each time I see a scene between Ryan Chappelle and Jack Bauer I'm cringing inside. I'm such a masochist -- Doctor Who, 24, BSG -- why am I doing this to myself?? hahah. /o\ Thank God for Star Trek: The Next Generation! Star Trek: cures what ails ya.


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