
Jan 01, 2009 14:48

I still have not gotten very far into the archive yet. woe.

My stories:

Dry lips over chapped
Cynthia Voigt - Tillerman Cycle
written for JunoMagic

I was introduced to Cynthia Voigt's books through the second in this cycle, Dicey's Song when I was 12 or 13 years old. They are immensely influential. Rereading them for Yuletide, I came to understand just how influential they were. These novels are so amazingly honest, so real and brutal with its simple emotions and truths. I realized how much my writing wants to be like hers. I think they're kind of perfect as they are, so writing a story for it was a bit tricky -- what more could be said. But it helped to write in her style, and to get into the mindset of the novels. It was a delightful story to write, although I worried it was a bit dull. *g*

For the splendor of it all
Dracula the Series
written for astolat

Written entirely on Christmas Eve. I had successfully avoided getting a Pinch Hit this year, but it didn't feel right only doing one story, and then I looked at both elynross's and astolat's requests to see what I could fulfill for them. I had actually intended to change my offered fandoms to include Dracula the Series, but got distracted and never got around to it. astolat and I had such a blast two yuletides ago when I had WACKY FUN TIEMS But it was a little lonely writing Lucard and Co. this time since I couldn't ask astolat to watch and help me. I had to endure the wacky by myself! lol. sigh. And the funny thing is, I don't even like vampires, normally. Anywhoo, this was fun to write. Lucard being all cape twirly and seductive. Honestly, hottest, prettiest, most ridiculous Dracula EVER.

books, fic, yuletide, dracula: the series

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