Thursday sundries

Jul 03, 2008 09:57

First, a Doctor Who fic rec:

Bed Bath and Beyond by cjk1701. Written for sizeofthatthing, although not listed in their master list for some reason.

I found this doing a random search on whofic yesterday when I was overcome with a need for Donna fic (omg Donna don't leave me. *sob*). It's lovely, with understated angst, and is surprisingly hot for being more DoctorDonnafriends than Doctor/Donna. And short, as most Donna fic seems to be at this moment. Set post Midnight, no spoilers for 4x11 or 12.


I seem to have never posted on July 3rd before. hm.

July 2007: On the 1st, I posted about's month long Kitchenaid promotion. Hey, everyone, hop over to for great recipes!! Seriously.

July 2006: On the 2nd, I posted Oh my God I'm home, after being in Prague for the entire month of June. Ah, the ecstasy of my own bed. Dang, that was two years ago. O.O

July 2005: On the 7th, I posted about the recent London Tube explosion/bomb thing that happened. sigh.

July 2004: On the 11th, I posted my reactions to the King Arthur film with Clive Owens. Hmmmm, Clive.

July 2003: On the 5th, I posted about the cartoon Mighty Man and Yukk, the dog so ugly he had to wear a dog house over his head and only took it off to fight crime.. ahahahah. Most of the links on that post are dead, sadly, but omg Monchichis!! hah.


snatched from livii. Uh, "ship" to me just means pairing, so that's what I'm going for.

One true foursome" ship:

Oh, without a doubt POTC: Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner/James Norrington.

"Canon" ship:

Sydney/Vaughn (Alias)
Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy (P&P)
Erik Taylor/Tami Taylor (FNL)

"Not quite canon but should be" ship:

Duncan/Methos (HL)
Danny Ocean/Rusty Ryan (Ocean's 11)

"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship:

I can't imagine I would do this for any pairing, currently imagined or not, although I might lose interest if I don't think it makes any sense.

"You are one sick bastard" ship:

Is that like Kirk/Horta? (which is practically canon) or something like Doctor/Jenny which makes me want to hurl for multiple reasons? Oh for the days when people were writing Jar Jar Binks fic.

"I dabble a little" ship:

Well, just in DW universe, I have yet to meet a pairing I didn't like, so. Well, except for Jack/Ianto, which does nothing for me and quite possibly makes me break out into a rash.

"It's like a car crash" ship:

Doctor/Rose is rather spectacularly messy. Oh, but I love those two.

"Tickles my fancy but not quite sold yet" ship:

Doctor/River. I don't even know if it tickles any fancy for me yet, although with the hope of Eleven/River, much more so.

"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" ship:

I don't think I have any of these. How sad. Oh unless xovers count, then I would say my James Bond/Jack Bauer/Jack Bristow/Jason Bourne Crackstastic SpyCrossover of Doom. JB/JB/JB/JB Foreva!!!

"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship:


"Guilty pleasure" ship:

Hah. Well, sometimes, for the really ridiculously shippy babfic stories, Ten/Rose falls under that. And I didn't just admit I read those. Nope. Nahuh.

I read an Eleventh Doctor/15-year-old Rose story that I thought was blazingly hot. And there was one Remus Lupin/15-year-old Hermione that was so wrong wrong wrong that I totally read and felt mildly sick afterwards.

"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship:

Er, well, that was often my first reaction to reading most non-canon pairings back in the day when Tifah was a wee fangirl. Recently, I had that reaction mostly within the HP fandom, especially with anything Snape.

Favourite older/younger ship:

Methos is 5000 years old, so, Duncan/Methos. Even the Doctor is a child compared to Methos.

My first, "I could never abandon you" ship:

Kirk/Spock. Oh, memories.

Favourite devotion ship:

*hums hoplessly devoooteed to yooooouuuu*

er, well, I think Kirk/Spock was pure devotion
Seth Bullock/Sol Starr
Coach Taylor/Tami Taylor
and, perhaps a bit random, but Lucius Hunt/Ivy Walker from the film The Village.

Favourite never-met ship:

Aside from JB/JB/JB/JB Cracktastic Spycrossover of Doom, I can't think of one. How sad.

ETA: Oh wait, I wonder if Alt!Nine/Rose counts, because I rather love those, if written well, in any case.

Favourite "Awwww!" ship:

DoctorDonnaFriends. (God. I'm just. I can't. I don't... hold me!!!)

Favourite perverted ship:

er, well, I don't think I have a favorite for this. bwah.

jb/jb/jb/jb, potc, fic recs, fnl, deadwood, harry potter, alias, doctor who, st: tos, memes, highlander, ocean's 11

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