Happy Birthday, Maygra!

Apr 26, 2008 16:17

I hope this day has been nothing but sunshine and flowers, cookies and cake. *big hugs!!*


In other news, like half my f-list, I'm moving this weekend. But unlike half my f-list, I'm only moving one street over. *g*

Unlike every other time I've ever moved, this time I've hired movers. wahoo. Both my current and new apartment have tricky corners -- I'm just going to trust that the movers are going to be able to move everything! eep.


This past week I managed, through the ABC website (where writers now receive residuals! for streaming) I have caught up entirely on Lost.

Just some very loose, general thoughts on the season so far:

What I liked:

--The team of Desmond & Sayid. Holy gorgeous-magic-time-hopping-sexy-angst-and-tortured-duo-of-intensely-attractive-men, batman. *blink blink* I'd be quite happy if it were just the Desmond & Sayid show.

--I'm loving the twists each episode serves up. I can't quite get the greater picture (like who can, really) but clearly the writers have thought it through. Who knows if it will really make sense at all in the end, but you can't deny that it's all at least being tied together.

--Benjamin Linus is one scary dude. He might be scarier, more dangerous, and even more manipulative than Sloane from Alias, and that's saying something. I don't see how Michael Emerson will ever be able to play someone innocent ever, after this.

--Speaking of Sloane and Benjamin Linus, I'm totally hip to JJ Abrams tendency and knack for turning pure, evil characters and making the audience reluctantly side with them. I'm on to you, JJ!

--I'm not sure why, but I'm totally loving the three "scientists", particularly the time scientist who's name is escaping me at the moment. But also Charlotte (is that her name?) I love how they're really bad at keeping secrets. hee.

--So, is this some kind of massive feud between Charles Widmore and Benjamin Linus?

What I'm totally tired of:

--I could care less about jack/juliet/kate/sawyer. I was never really able to get that invested in the triangle to begin with and Juliet didn't change that, but now I'm really just not caring. I still like each of the individual characters themselves, though, mostly... there were moments when I didn't like Jack any more, but then he wins me back again.

--I'm pretty tired of Locke, too. He crazy.

What totally freaked me out:

--Jacob freaks me out. Each time we look into the window of the cabin, I'm scared. *hides*

What didn't work for me:

--The only part of the mental/consciousness time-hopping/time-travel stuff that didn't work for me is the part with Eloise, and the maze she knew how to navigate before she was taught it. It didn't make sense. Desmond's exposure to high levels of radiation caused him to go *backwards* not forwards. Maybe it was just because we couldn't have been in Eloise's POV.

--And just being close to the island caused that George person to start to jump around in time?

What made me sad:

-Jin! No! *sob*

All in all, despite any fatigue I might have with the show, Season 4 of Lost is pretty darn good so far. I'm impressed and very glad I finally got around to watching. yay.


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