in which it's really all about Donna Noble

Mar 22, 2008 14:11

I am wildly excited about S4. And by wildly, I mean, well, wildly. *g* About 98% unspoiled, and would like to keep it that way. *looks stern* I'm holding on to my wild excitement with a very determined two-fisted grasp. :D

--I'm quite loving Doctor/Rose and Doctor/Martha. I don't know how people can not love both pairings. And I do mean Ten, specifically, but the Doctor in general.

--Er, has anyone attempted to write Nine/Martha?

--I'm quite happy to go with the notion of the Doctor: slutting his way across time and space, breaking hearts right and left. Think of me what you will. *g*

--And, to justify the title of this post, why I'm particularly excited for Donna, aside from the fact that I could not have loved her more in TRB, is just that she's more my age.

--I have a lot of sympathy for Rose and Martha, largely because I've been in both their shoes, obviously not with the Doctor nor in the word-saving alien fighting aspect, but in the human/human, male/female interrelationship aspect of the show, and have made very similar mistakes and very similar decisions, have felt their giddy happiness and their sadness and heartbreak as my own or akin to my experiences.

--It's hard to say for sure, but just from TRB, it feels like Donna's the next stage of companion. Or something. It's probably wrong to say that, and it's a little weird how the Doctor's companions keep aging up, but I'm inclined not to over think it.

--Something that I wonder about Donna and how it may or may not end up being a defining character trait, is her obvious desire to be married. It's a bit of a cliche, right, the late twenties/early thirties woman who is desperate to get married, come hell or high water. I'd be more annoyed about it if I didn't actually see it with many of my female friends who are my age -- they struggle against it, the feeling of having failed somehow by not being married with children. It's alway a bit distressing when this topic comes up in conversation, being a woman who is quite happy to get married and have kids but not necessarily going to beat myself up about it if it doesn't happen. It's so pervasive, that societal expectation. It doesn't always dominate the conversation, but it's there more often than not.

--Not that Donna wanting to get married is a bad thing. I don't subscribe to bad character traits. Just to character traits. Especially regarding women -- I'm way too invested in women, and female characters, to go subscribing to any judgment against them for any reason, as I'm sure you all are already tired of hearing. *g*

--As I said above, I loved Donna in TRB just as she was, and I'm not foolish enough to draw any expectations about her characterization in S4, or to even want one thing above another. However, I do hope they keep her the woman she was in TRB while also letting her grow from that. It would just be more interesting that way.

doctor who

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