omg what day is it? yuletide reveal!

Jan 01, 2008 15:22

I'm here. I'm alive. I think? Had a fun New Years with a bunch of girlfriends. Am mostly cognizant... and ready to start 2008. kinda sorta.

Don't mind me. I'm totally fuzzy-headed today.


Yuletide! Woo.

This year I had every intention of only writing the one story, getting it done somewhat early and writing something cute and sassy and punchy and saying no to any and all pinch hits. So, what do I do? I write a long, plotty, involved fic, finishing it *literally* last minute, and then also took a pinch hit at the eleventh hour! \o/

Rock, Paper, Kisses (12,000+ words)
Sky High, non-explicit
Will/Layla, Will/Warren
written for Atlantia
Will Stronghold's sophomore year starts off promising, but then it all goes wrong.

Thank you to dsudis for the superhero beta. Special thank you to elynross.

I was utterly charmed by this movie when I first watched it, and only proceeded to fall in love with it more as I wrote this story. I wasn't able to really start writing until about a week and a half before the deadline, and as I started writing the story just didn't want to behave and it got more and more involved and convoluted and plotty and a day before the deadline I was seriously starting to get worried! At that point I had well over 1000 words, and it was no where near being finished. astolat scolded me (she did!) and I managed to just sort of trudge through, collapsed the story a bit so it wasn't, you know, a novel, and finished about an hour before the deadline. dsudis was in chat and generously agreed to beta when I came begging and it was uploaded with 3 minutes to spare. *facepalm* And I'm not even going to go into how many times elynross deleted it so I could reupload. But in the end, I gotta say I absolutely adore this story. *hugs it like mad*

If you haven't seen Sky High already, it's worth a watch. I love everyone in this film, but especially Will, Layla, and Warren.[1]

Shall I miss the selkies and the seals? (1200+ words)
AS Byatt -- Possession, adult
written for tree (hi! *waves*)
It is the morning that nearly undid him.

Totally unbeta-ed! d'oh!

This is a pinch hit that came in late on the 23rd, like 9 or 10 my time. I don't know what I was doing looking at the pinch hit list! Bad tifah, no biscuit. I was in #yuletide chat, too. Obviously I wasn't serious about remaining pinch-hitless. LOL. I don't think I would have taken the pinch hit, actually, if it hadn't been Christabel/Randolph. I'm sort of in love with Randolph Ash. Anyway, I talked with elyn when I realized I could conceivably write a story for Possession and not make a fool of myself, and took the pinch hit. I finished sometime around 4 am Christmas Eve (or was it the day before? It's all blended together!). o.O

I'm happy with it. It's a pretty bit of writing, if nothing else. Sort of formless and free floating, and sad. *sniffle*

[1]Sky High is a film set in a world with Superheroes and Supervillains. Sky High is the high school where children of superheroes (and supervillains) all go to school. It's sort of a bit Hogwarts-like, only not at all. When you go to Sky High, you go through Power Placement, which means your super power is assessed and based on if it's a superhero level of power or not, you're either placed on the Hero track or the Sidekick (aka Hero Support) track. The story is framed like a comic book, and we're introduced to Will Stronghold, son of The Commander (power: superstrength) and Jetstream (power: superflyer), the two greatest living superheroes. It's his first day of Sky High, and he has a little problem: he hasn't gotten his powers! He starts school with everyone expecting him to be just as great as his parents; a lot of pressure for a 14-year-old. So, the the son of the two greatest living superheroes gets put into Sidekick class. Also with him is his best friend, Layla, who actually has the best power of the whole bunch (command of all nature/vegetable forces) but being a peace loving/nature loving pacifist type, and having a crush on Will, she doesn't like to be "labeled" and refuses to power up in front of the teacher so she's also put into the Sidekick track. And then there's Warren Peace (get it? GET IT?). Warren is the son of a superhero and a supervillain, and he's sort of classically The Rebel(tm). To complicate matters, Warren's supervillain father is Will Stronghold's father's greatest arch enemy, and Will's father sent Warren's father to jail with 4 life sentences. Makes for awkward times in the cafeteria!

What the movie does really well, even though it's essentially pure fluff and a bit campy, is to keep the themes universal while set in this fantastical, larger-than-life, world. And personally, I love the whole Hero/Sidekick stuff. *g*

Will Will Stronghold ever get his powers? Will Layla ever confess her true feelings for Will? Will Warren Peace and Will Stronghold set aside their animosity and learn to work together? For these and other exciting questions, watch Sky High....

Because I can't come out of Yuletide without a little bit of obsessivenesses, I went trolling YouTube for vids and found a few rough gems. Or at least not eye-gougingly bad vids, anyway. *g* Spoilers ahoy, if you care about that sort of thing.

my favorite of the Warren Peace vids: Du Hast. um. set to Rammstein! *g*. oh, the teen angst, the teen anger. And! dude, the fireballs are on the beat! I confess I sort of love this one. Here's another Warren vid that's very similar.

Save Me. Uneven, but rather charming and actually a rather good Will Stronghold vid. There is inexplicable black space toward the middle/end of the vid.

Girl Next Door. This is a Layla vid! Yay! It's sort of even a Layla/Gwen Grayson vid while being actually a Will/Layla vid, which is kind of cool.

I Am Superman. This is a decent overall Sky High vid.

Okay, I'll stop now.

sky high, fic, yuletide

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