So, yes, I am alive.

Jul 11, 2007 11:50

So, I rented this movie called Pastime the other day. It was on my netflix queue and it appeared at my home, and I was like, what are you, little movie? where do you come from? Turns out, William Russ is in it, and that's how it ended up on netflix queue and in my home. o.O

It was about baseball, or something, and I confess I didn't watch it with much scrutiny when WR wasn't on screen. And when he was on screen I kept being all bamboozled because his character was soooo sweet, just the nicest guy who's seen better days, at the end of his life, sort of thing. I was like, woah, were be my Roger! And then I watched Rache and Sandy's Life in the Balance vid, and all was well.

It reminded me how much I love Roger, and Wiseguy, though. *pets*


So, remembering my Roger Lococco love got me thinking about the kind of characters I seem to gravitate to. Here's a sampling: Roger Lococco, Duncan MacLeod, Jack Bauer.

One wonders if I have a latent death wish. *g*

Although, really, in comparison, Duncan MacLeod is, imo, safer then Roger or Jack. I mean, if I were to rank them in order of Least Dangerous to Most Dangerous it would go like this: Duncan, and then a tie for Roger and Jack.

This are the things one ponders just before going to bed.


So, speaking of Jack Bauer, I have only one hour left of 24 to watch. *makes pouty face* I am sad. But, that means I can now start in on another show. This is what I have to choose from: Miracles, The Dresden Files, The Tudors, Hustle, Torchwood, Veronica Mars, and technically Heroes, but only half a season.

mmmm, choices. :D

I not so orbitraily pick Miracles. And then Dresden Files. Although, I'm a try and finish Heroes, somehow.

This is not including my Star Trek viewing, which continues apace.


So, speaking of Star Trek -- Charlie X is a creeeeepy episode. And also, orange spandex exercise tights do not look good on anyone. Especially men with skinny legs and pantylines. I'm just saying.

Balance of Terror continues to be excellent.


So, we're status quo in the Dad department. He had a phone consultation with a second doctor yesterday, who's going to put him on some sort of diet. On the sister front, well, it continues to be a mess of gargantuan proportions. That's all I can say.


So, I broke a hundred pages (manuscript format) on my thesis. Which is of the yay. The not so of the yay was that a) the story isn't even half way done, and b) I *had* a hundred pages before, but had to cut about half out, so, really, I haven't gotten anywhere. *big eyes*


So, I've had this annoying lingering (what I thought was a) cold, but turns out was some sort of bacterial thingie that just wouldn't go away. *koff koff koff*. But, finally I went to the doctors. I'm on the PPO plan but it's easier if I go through our HMO office, and we have a good network there. So, I go, and I get this new Russian Dr. Lady who wore very high heels and a busty lace top, very buxom, with a regular white coat. I was somewhat amused and also just cringing cause she's on her feet all day! She put me antibiotics and a nasal spray. I'm sure you all really wanted to know that, but hey, I hardly ever get sick, so this is big news for me! I was all like, woah, I stick this in my nose?? heh.

I blame the thesis. I think it's trying to kill me.

wiseguy, 24, television, st:tos, highlander, real life

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