What I wouldn't do for a cool glass of tranya.

Jun 14, 2007 12:21

Star Trek is good for the soul. Finished, finally, with Star Trek: Enterprise, I've moved on to the Original Series, which, I haven't rewatched in (counts fingers) almost seven years. *facepalm* wow.

Some time ago, when I decided to embark on this great Star Trek Watching Project, I wasn't prepared to watch ST:TOS again, but since then, for various reasons, largely my innate sense of chronology and completeness, I felt like it. Also, watching the *extremely amusing* Mirror Universe episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise, where Evil Archer and his Evil Crew manage to capture the Defiant (the same Defiant that disappeared in the epsiode The Tholian Web!!) was too much fun, and the design crew for that show did such an incredible job rebuilding the TOS set.

So, anyhoo, I'm netflixing the Original Series, and omg it is hysterical and awesome and I forgot how much I love James T. Kirk! ahahaha. I've only seen the first two eps - Where No Man Has Gone Before and The Corbomite Maneuver. In both these eps, Spock is still loudly announcing things all over the bridge, which is just the funniest thing ever. And then there's Kirk in sick bay having to do that weird upside down leg pumping thing. And then the Kirk Strut. *glee* I am filled with love. In WNMHGB, I even got some patented William Shatner/Kirk interpretive dance moves. :D :D YAY.


Dad officially has cancer. The doctor said so today. They also said it's spread, and an operation is not an option at this time. He will have to have a catheter for the rest of life, probably, since with the prostrate obstruction, which they can't remove, his kidneys are still bad (although better since entering the hospital, at least). He will be on some sort of hormone suppressant, and will be receiving injections. Dad is happy he doesn't have to have surgery -- I think he was dreading that. Mom and I are in shock -- even though we knew it was likely. Both of us must have been holding out for that slim chance. Anyway, I'm okay. A bit weirded out, and shocky, a little emotional, but okay. Dad was cheerful on the phone just now.

I'm leaving today to fly out to Austin to immediately drive back tomorrow morning with best friend S in tow, so I'm not even going to be here this weekend, and I feel bad about that, it being father's day, and then on top of it there's all this. I'd arranged to do this road trip with S before all this happened. Maybe it's for the best, though, because I'll have the weekend to get used to the idea, before I see him on Monday.

So, that's the update.

st:ent, st:tos, real life

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