que pasa, chica?

May 23, 2007 09:46

I feel the need to post. So, I'm posting. Lots of silly stuff going on 'round here, but nothing revelatory to report. Work good. Friends good. Writing limping along. *g*

I've started to get up early in the morning to write, instead of writing in the evenings. My evenings are too unpredictable. Right now, I need a schedule, a steady time devoted to hashing this monstrosity out, and the only stable time I have right now are mornings. This is tough because, am so not a morning person! But it's such a relief when I come home at night not to have to do anything but veg.


In the land of television -- I watched the Season finale of 24. I need to process. The ending sort of killed me. Concurrently, I'm watching season 4, which, so far, might be my favorite of all the seasons, although I realize this is the day that really changed Jack Bauer's life for the very very bad. sigh. This show, it's almost too much for me. I'm having that weird perverse thing going where I need to watch it real fast because it's killing me while at the sametime am devastated that pretty soon I'll have watched all of the episodes and will just be left with my poor broken Jack Bauer doll. *sob*

The creators of 24 say big changes for season 7. I'm holding out for CTU: The Musical! Tap dance number with Bill & Jack. Solos from the lofty office. Shark/Jet type choreography between CTU and the Terrorists de jour. Jazz hands!


Tonight is the season finale of Lost! And guess what I did?? I volunteered to work a big hoo-haa shindig tonight for work. I are dumb. Oh well, I'll watch it online or buy it from iTunes or something.



24, potc, real life, lost

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