24 -- way past lunchtime now.

Feb 12, 2007 23:46

(Incidentally, you won't find me looking very critically at the plot of 24, aside from general love or displeasure at events. It's all fantasy. It is at once tightly plotted and so loose you could drive a 747 through some of these plot devices. I don't care. Plot is only one aspect of why I love this show. For the most part, I love the plot, even when it freaks me out.)

Things I loved, in no particular order:

-- Chloe, freaking out. OMG, I would be shaking so hard, there's no way I could even type one word let alone do something so complex.

-- I was always keen on Morris, but now, I think I love him. The scene with Fayed coercing him to trigger the bombs was gruesome and horrid and I don't know how anyone could withstand that, unless you're Jack Bauer. I can't even imagine the guilt afterwards.

-- Jack's hand shaking when he disarmed the nuke, and then afterwards, how he was breathing so hard. He's doing amazing for a man who just that morning got released after 20 months of torture and has barely stopped moving, but he's definitely hanging on by a (Jack Bauer-sized) thread.

-- Jack Bauer walking into CTU gave me goosebumps. I adored the brief interaction between him and Chloe. *sniff*

-- Also, loved the scene between Morris and Chloe.

-- There's no way I could love Jack more, but my heart melted for him all over again when he told Bill not to lie or stall the truth about Jack killing his brother. I'm glad that, eventually, the truth of who killed Graem will come out and Jack won't have at least that stain on him, but still, that he was insistent about it -- he's a good guy. I love him.

-- Assad, every inch of him! But especially him telling the President to be careful, watch his back, drawing that parallel between them -- two men brave enough to go against immense opposition for the chance of peace. I see nothing but badness up ahead. It's going to break my heart. As an aside, Siddig is all kinds of impressive in these episodes, but what I love most about Assad (and Siddig's performance of him) is how you can *see* how he's processing everything that's going on, the thoughts in his head, the parallels he's drawing, the realization of who those he's always viewed as his enemies are and what he has to do to bring peace, and how smart he is.

-- President Wayne and Assad sitting there, working out Assad's speech together. I'm so nervous for them, I'm just tied up in knots about it.

-- Milo! OMG, Milo. I was 'so so' on you before the last 10 minutes of 2pm to 3pm hour, but you rocked so hard, it's hard to describe. Awesome thinking, acting, driving. He was amazing. I never would have guessed. He is now right up there with Morris for me, although he's got like the world's longest jaw, I won't hold it against him.

General Comments:

Papa Bauer killed both his sons. That Jack Bauer is hard to kill is fortunate for us, but Papa Bauer doesn't know that. He is evil -- evil, cool and collected, too. Just how entangled is he, with everything? It must be pretty fucking entangled to go so far as to murder both your sons in the span of 2 hours. Not to mention threaten to kill his grandson, which I have no trouble believing he'd do in a heartbeat. What could possibly be worth it?

I'm rather liking the sister-in-law, who's name I'm blanking on, even though she should have told Jack. I can't imagine being married to Graem Bauer. Ew.

The situation in Washington is bad. Very bad. And I predict Assad is going to get caught in the crossfire. *weeps*

I almost liked Tom Lennix for like half a minute, or at least didn't actively dislike him, till he proved to be the weasel he already appeared to be. I wonder if he's going to find his conscience before it's too late for Pres. Wayne. I see now why the plot maneuevered Karen out of there.

Vice President Powers Boothe continues to exude evilness - in a rather awesome way. Seriously, Powers Boothe is scary! I don't know if I believe Lennix' toadie guy, what's his name, that says the V.P. isn't in on this horrifying plot to destroy America. He seems pretty in on it to me, even if he's not the one masterminding the thing.

I miss Agent Samuels. I wonder if we'll see him again, and Walid and Sandra. I'm thinking yes to the latter two, but maybe no more Agent Samuels. *sigh*

I forgot to watch the previews for next week. EEEEE.


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