Television, by hafital - I am such a GEEK

Nov 11, 2006 14:10

I haven't watched BSG yet, so I guess whatever I have to say about that will have to wait - I'm sure you all will be waiting with bated breath for my comments, which I can assure you will be just as astounding as previous.

Heroes: I really don't have much to say here. It's all good. Nice plotting. Yay for Greg Grunberg! (even if I'm sort of over the whole plot line with his wife.) I like the blonde FBI lady. I kind of like Nathan, even if he's bordering on becoming a sleazy politician. He has potential for good. I like that. His brother's a bit of a ninny, but I liked him in his episode. And poor Micah - which one is the bad parent here?

Friday Night Lights: Holy Cow! That was awesome and beautiful and omg, I love these boys. Jay and Timmy. They're beautiful and precious and broken, literally. And Lyla, well, the poor dears. It's going to be rough for them. God, I hope they figure it out eventually, even if it's seasons in. My love for the Coach continues unabated. I could have done without the hispanic boy being the one to have a criminal record and a history of anger management, but whatever, it was done rather well. The whole show is written so well and acted with such reality, it's a little stunning. I loved Jane Espenson's reaction to the pilot. :)

Lost: Dr. Jack is a smart smart man. :D I found some of my Dr. Jack love again, with this episode. The only thing that's bothering me about all this spinal cancer business is, doesn't the island seem to cure people of things like cancer? According to Rose, it did, anyway. So, either the island has the reverse effect on Benry or no effect (which I can believe), or Benry's playing them (which I can also believe, although, wow), or I don't know, really. I have, perhaps blind, faith in the writers of this show not to have such big plot holes that they're not eventually going to fill up somehow. Because, I just don't believe what's going on with the Others is what it seems to be. Something is off about this whole business. Only a little bit of Desmond. More please! Oh, and I was happy to see Sayid again, if only for a little bit.

The Nine: Oooh, nice ending. My guess? It's the FBI, and there's more going on with the bank robbery than just a couple of robbers - what, I can't say, probably something about that bank, since they're listening in on the bank manager and his family. I'm finding Lucas kind of endearing - I want to know why he's so different from his brother. I'm very very glad that, erm, Kathryn (had to look her name up. keep wanting to call her Audrey Raines) did not go through with anything with Nick because, bad news, baby. And I like her fiance a lot, even if he is a bit overbearing. So is she. They are a good fit. But Nick? As much as I like the guy, he's got problems.


In other news, I caved and created a new netflix profile solely for Star Trek and added all Star Trek series' (including Enterprise, which more for curiosity sake than anything else), in chronological order. Sans TOS and sans movies, that comes to 169 dvds in the queue. Yowsa. I may add the TNG movies, although I can't bear to watch Generations, so not that one. I'm not sure I'm actually going to watch all these, but some of TNG and DS9 and Voy were already on my regular netflix queue and there's so many of them, I thought it better they just had their own queue all together. If I could afford to buy them, I would, but at $100 a pop, no way. (damn you, paramount. you suck)

Interestingly enough, I didn't add TOS on purpose. That show, I can't watch on demand, as much as I love it and love Kirk and Spock. I like to watch it when I come across it on TV - I saw the second Mudd episode the other day late at night and I was beside myself with a sudden overwhelming love - it was like finding an old friend again, for just a brief meeting on the street - but I'm not sure I can have it around, undiluted, for such a long stretch. Tres strange, but whatcha gonna do.

Anyway, this is all by way of saying that, like clockwork, I'm wallowing in Star Trek love, which happens recurring-like, every so often. Relapsing/remitting Star Trek obsession. LOL. I found Memory Alpha, Star Trek Wiki, and also Memory Beta, Wiki Star Trek non-canon. Awesome! Geeks, gotta love 'em. :D Poking around on these websites made me realize that I really should watch DS9, which I never watched when it was on the air. And somehow that morphed into needing to watch the whole franchise. *facepalm*

st:voy, st:tng, fnl, lost, st:ds9, links, television, st:tos, heroes

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