
Jul 28, 2011 22:18

Player Name: Jisu
Personal LJ: friendshipbeam
AIM Contact: ColorKidLalaPink
Character Name: Misumaru Yurika
Source Canon: Martian Successor Nadesico
Community Tag: yurika misumaru

Notes: Thank you, LJ.

Background: Go read.

Personality: When you first hear about Yurika and her background and accomplishments, you imagine a bright, strong, complex and capable captain. She excels in simulator battles and her dad's an important admiral, and of course, she has her own ship. She's got a good record behind her, especially for somebody her age, and she can often be counted on for friendly and trustworthy diplomacy. Furthermore, she's been trained in military strategy since she was young. Yurika is usually cheerful, bounces back from depression quickly (although when her smile falters, everyone on the ship knows it), and can usually be counted on to make the best choice -- usually. Her accomplishments do, more often than not, tend to be accompanied by comments on her youth and beauty (usually by her dad, squicktastically enough), which presents a somewhat warped image of her, and so people tend to underestimate her anyway.

When you first meet Yurika, more often than not, you walk away wondering what idiot put this fangirling, whining, work-shirking, V-sign-giving nutcase in charge. Yurika is dramatic and prone to moping, grumbling, squealing, dramatic speeches, and other random bursts of emotion that put people off. She gets really bogged down in mundane and repetitive work, especially when there isn't anything incredibly pressing to do instead; she leaves the bridge with whomever happens to be available and not too willing to complain on a regular basis, and she complains a lot about unrealistic piles of tasking (and about Akito gathering a harem). Sometimes she doesn't even seem to know what a captain should act like professionally, acting more like an idol singer than anything else, minus the singing (and really, you can't always count on that being removed, either).

The thing is, both of these views of Yurika are true, and she can switch between amazing and amazingly useless with shocking ease and without even noticing it. Her brain operates on a completely different level from other people. Even when she seems to be strung along by an obvious plot against her and her crew and it looks like she has no idea what's going on, there's something in the back of her mind constantly working, and the next thing you know, she pulls out this one sentence or action that changes everything and brings her and her team back to the top. It is this quality that drives everyone who would oppose or control the Nadesico absolutely insane. Its captain may or may not be insane, but her two-layered mind often works things out or at least makes a good effort.

This is what makes her a good captain and a capable one, scatterbrained or not. Though she can become crushingly depressed and worry whether she's really capable of completing the mission she's set out to do, Yurika has the incredible ability to bounce back and be just as positive as before, inspiring the rest of the crew. Sometimes she takes personal challenges or discouraging comments and twists their intent to interpret them as motivational speeches, and it's never entirely clear whether she actually does know what it meant. As she says a few times, even if some people don't like her as a captain, this is where she belongs and where she can truly be herself, and she'll fight for the Nadesico no matter what.

Yurika is one hundred percent obsessed with her childhood friend, Akito, and doesn't seem to notice that her fangirling and clinginess keep pushing him away. She enlists him into her crew without asking, follows him everywhere, hits on him, draws up complex plans to get him to kiss her, and announces to everybody (especially to him) that everything he does is because he cares about her, right? Of course it is! She similarly can't see that Jun is every bit as in love with her as she is with Akito -- everything he does is just because he's her friend, silly! -- which might also explain why she fixates on not having confessed her feelings to Akito yet and waiting for the right time to do so. One would think that, given the way she acts, she already has, but Yurika doesn't see it that way.

Capabilities and Resources: Yurika is the captain of the Nadesico, for one. That's about all she really needs. She is also a truly terrible cook.

Flagship Name: ND-001 Nadesico
Flagship Description: Built by independent contractor Nergal Heavy Industries and intended to be kept out of government hands, the Nadesico has four nuclear pulse engines, two Phase Transition engines, a sapient AI half-running the ship, and a large civilian crew complete with a gaggle of, for lack of a better term, rent-a-pilots. It's one of the most advanced human-built ships out there, and although its mission isn't to fight anybody, the reality that it will have to strongly influenced the design.

The ship is equipped with basic missiles and lasers, strong armour, and the technobabble-fueled Distortion Field, an energy field that bends light/gravity/whatever to deflect beam weapons. It also has a complex system of Distortion Fields inside the ship itself that can divide up the ship to isolate a damaged portion so the whole thing doesn't blow up. The Nadesico's main weapon, though, is a colossal cannon located in the centre of the ship called the Gravity Blast Cannon. Using the same technology used in the Distortion Fields and powered by the PT engines, a Gravity Blast is a very strong MAP attack that can take out a fleet in one shot. Naturally, it's limited by the fact that it takes a ton of power to operate.
Terrain Stats:
Land: -
Air: A
Sea: -
Space: A

Job: Captain of the Nadesico

Suggested Event List: Akito's got it.

Sample Post: Akitooooooooooooo!

