Title: What if...
Chapter: Five
Author: Shiro
Rating: PG
Length: 3150 words
Pairing/Focus: Jongyu (will be more focused on Onew)
Warnings: None for this chapter
He stared at his hand, admiring the patterns the light offered when it slipped through the spaces between his fingers. )
Ill be back to read and comment^^
Want me to keep you a spot in the next chapters?
whooaaaaa....Jonghyun really kind of attached to Jinki...what are they??? XXDD
hmmnnn...i think i need to wait for your answer...XXDD
pls do write more...^^
about the spot...its okay...^^ but of course ill be happy if you let me...^^
As the fic develops, uuuh... *insert evil laugh here*
Okay, I'll spot you then! And I actually already have next chapter all written out, but I don't think I'll post it until next week or so, since I'll need more time to write the next one... And I kind of like my updates to be relatively even >.
GGYYAAAA!!!! thk you^^
ahh..im the same...XD..i try to write the chaptered post when im done with the next chapter...XDD..so if i couldnt get something done..ill post a one shot...XXDDD
ill be waiting then^^
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