(no subject)

Nov 20, 2010 09:51

A Night In

Avengers | Set after New Avengers #60

General | PG | 1109 words

Luke and Jess got busy; Bucky worried about the hygiene state of his apartment; Danny and Clint found out Luke's musical tastes.

The figures approached slowly and hesitantly, and before they could open their mouths, their questions were already answered dismissively:

“No, they’re not done yet.”

Underneath her mask, only Spider Woman’s mouth revealed the grimace she wore. “Oh Christ, they’ve been at this for hours!”

“He just survived a bomb being planted in his heart after an emergency surgery by his enemies,” Danny pointed out from his spot on the sofa where he was sharing a bag of chips with Clint, “Makes sense why they’d be at it.” The piercing brown eyes narrowed as they followed each crumb’s short travel onto the battered leather of the sofa, but Bucky did not have the heart to play the Jarvis role that night, especially after all that had happened.

(He realized he used this excuse all the time; after all, when would the Avengers have an easy night?)

“Exactly,” Jess said, running her hand through her hair. “Logic dictates the man should get some rest.”

“Luke has unbreakable skin; I think logic’s out of the question here,” Peter said as he entered the living room with a pile of snacks, which as far as Bucky was concerned, only meant a heavier duty for the vacuum cleaner the next morning. Why was Spider Man still here, anyway, he wondered. Unlike most of them, he had a secret identity and a home to go back to-a bed to crawl back into. It was the same case with Danny, except Bucky knew enough of his friendship with Luke to understand why he might want to stay the night over, even if he could hear that his best friend was recovering well.

Carol must have felt every pair of eyes staring at her because she bristled defensively. “Just because I’m best friends with Jessica Jones doesn’t mean I want to tell her to stop screwing her husband so we can all get some well deserved rest.”

“No,” Clint chirped in, “We just want you to remind them to keep the volume down.”

“Funny, Barton, seeing you’re not exactly so discreet yourself.”


“Hey!” Bobbi added indignantly.

The argument degenerated into what Bucky thought of as a horrifying version of Charades (with sound effects) before Carol and Jess decided to go back on patrol for the third time, this time with Bobbi joining them. Peter finally declared he could stand it no longer and he slinged his way out without disposing of the empty packages of chips he left behind.

“I have a fucking brilliant idea,” Clint said after opening his third can of Logan’s beer-Wolverine was called back to San Francisco by the X-men and had forgotten to lock his stash of beer, “Why don’t we play some music? Just needa crank the volume loud enough and we can have serenity.” He looked around. “Please tell me you’ve at least got a stereo set here.”

Truth be told, he had no idea. It was Steve’s place first and foremost and he hadn’t exactly had the time to redecorate the place for some material comfort. “We have computers,” he said. Of course they knew that; how else could they keep the security systems up and running?

Cue facepalm. “So have you got iTunes on them?”

What the hell was that? “They have CD readers on them.”

He wanted to get out of the house. He could just call Natalia now and beat up some crooks in some alleys, and probably grab an early breakfast in some diner. But he did not; somehow a part of him wanted to stay and just listen to Clint ribbing on his potential musical taste and Danny laughing along.

“I have an iPod,” Danny offered. He got up and brushed the crumbs off his pants (apart from the patrolling ladies, they had already showered and changed into more comfortable attires) onto the floor-Bucky cringed-and felt along the pouches on his costume belt. “What?” he said when he took a look at Clint’s grinning face, “it’s not mine; it’s Luke’s; I borrowed it yesterday and I mean to give it back, but he’s obviously busy.”

What was compelling him to stay? It wasn’t as if he enjoyed listening in on Luke and Jessica; actually, they weren’t even as loud as they were making them out to be. Maybe it was the sight of his place trashed beyond thought…

“Justin Bieber, Luke, really?” Clint’s guffaws echoed in the room.

“Who’s that?” Bucky found himself asking.

“He’s this generation’s Beatles rolled into a skinny high-pitched mop-haired kid.”

Clint forgot that he had missed the 1960’s too. Fortunately, Natasha had told him all about the Beatles when she was catching him up to speed with the modern world and its ever-evolving cultural tastes.

“No, no,” Danny cut in, “That’s the Jonas brothers.”

That band Bucky had heard of. Tasha thought them important enough to be included in his modern-pop-culture-familiarization education.

“Which Luke also has an entire catalogue of.”

“Maybe it’s for Danielle.”

“Danny, you don’t have to defend your best friend’s musical taste. Just saying.”

Bucky’s eyes caught one of the framed pictures on the wall-Steve had sparsely decorated his place; he mostly had pictures of people who mattered to him. It was a smaller version of the painting of the Avengers which he was told could be found in the meeting room of the Avengers tower: Thor, Tony, Steve, Clint and the Maximoff twins posing heroically-for the lack of better words-immortalized not only as the Earth’s greatest heroes, but as a family.

By the time they had decided on what song to play, Luke and Jess were done, and Carol, Jess and Bobbi had called in to announce that they had decided to have a girl’s out cleaning up the streets of New York (Clint looked slightly disappointed). Danny had heated up some frozen pizzas and Bucky had come over to the couch to join the rest of them in layering the sofa and the carpet with crumbs of pizza and cheese and finishing off Logan’s beer stash.

They would later discover that Logan’s beer was one of those non-alcoholic beers (which they were silently thankful for, given that none of them had the superpower to fight off hangovers; Danny admitted that focusing his chi in that state is difficult) and planned to blackmail him with that knowledge. Then Clint went nostalgic on them and told them classic Avengers tales (as well as some gossips about some Avengers; Barton, of course, could not resist).

James Barnes sat on the filthy sofa with Lady Gaga playing in the background and non-alcoholic beer in his hands and he was content.

fanfiction: drabble, short story, fanfiction: avengers

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