Title: Kyupid Love (oneshot)
Author: haepi_kyuhyuk
Genre: fluff, romance, drabble
Rating: G
Pairing/Focus: kyumin
Summary: A cupid’s job is to make people fall in love with other people, but what happens when a cupid accidently falls in love with a human being..?
The Cupids in the Cupid World (called CuWorld for short) were buzzing with excitement at the announcement of a new Trainee Cupid. They flew around anxiously, waiting for TeukCu, the Cupid Leader to call up a meeting.
“What do you think his name is going to be TeukCu?” a worried Cupid appa, KangCu whispered to his wife who was flying around the entrance of CuWorld.
“I don’t know but I’m sure he would be an amazing Cupid.” TeukCu assured KangCu, who was now jumping up and down.
“TeukCu! I think that’s him baby oh my goddness he’s so cute oh my gosh-”
“KangCu, calm down, we must give him a good impression at least!” TeukCu hissed.
The carriage flew in, dropping off the bundle of joy that was in a basket, with a letter tucked inside.
“Oh my gosh TeukCu!” KangCu was squealing and he was flying around like crazy, making the older Cupid chuckle.
TeukCu cradled the baby and flew inside CuWorld, and called the interphone to make a meeting of the Cupids.
“Attention!” he yelled into the microphone, as the Cupids came in.
All Cupids turned their heads and looked at the baby that TeukCu was holding.
“Attention Cupids of Cupid World! I now announce the new Trainee Cupid. He is a first year with the name Cho Kyuhyun and I expect all of you Cupids to treat him warmly. Behold, Kyuhyun the new Cupid!”
The Cupid’s cheered as TeukCu unravelled the cloth around Kyuhyun the new Cupid. Kyuhyun slowly opened his eyes, and stretched out his tiny wings, getting ready to fly.
TeukCu caught Kyuhyun before he flew away and announced his Cupid name out loud.
“Cho Kyuhyun, the new Trainee Cupid shall be named…HyunCu!”
The Cupids roared with happiness as HyunCu took off in the sky, flapping his wings proudly, and landing in TeukCu arms once again.
“HyunCu! HyunCu!” the Cupids cheered, happy for their new Trainee Cupid.
And that was the beginning of a new life of a small Cupid, who would begin his hard training, the next day.
“HyunCu are you listening?” Professor YeCu glared at the Trainee, who was just mindlessly flapping his wings.
“Yes Professor.” HyunCu rolled his eyes, staring at the paper in front of him. “I already know all this!”
It had been three months since the birth of this new Cupid, and HyunCu was just restless for some action. He wanted to work out in the real world, which the other Cupids called Earth, and make people fall in love.
But currently, he was still with Professor YeCu, learning silly things like how to shoot an arrow or how to tell the difference between two people. He already all this crap and he didn’t see why he needed to review it so many times.
“Yes HyunCu but not everyone knows it yet. Answer number two for me HyunCu.”
HyunCu read the question and sighed.
“The definition of Love and Love at first sight? Love is the feeling you get when you are attracted to someone, for example, usually people love someone of different sex but sometimes, there are times when a man is in love with a man or a woman is in love with another woman. When you are in love, you would do anything for them, and when you fall in love with someone, you can just tell because-”
“Wrong. RyeoCu, please answer number two for me.”
“Yes Professor YeCu. Well you see, Love is a noun in which human beings feel when they see someone that they are meant to be with and-”
“Very good. See HyunCu, Love is not just when you are attracted to someone, these human beings feel Love when they see the one they are meant to be with.”
“Can Cupids fall in love too?” another Cupid, KiCu asked.
“Well, I’ve never heard of it but I don’t think so. It is only these human beings that feel Love. Now can anyone tell me the difference between a human being who is in Love and a human being that is not?”
HyunCu drifted away from the conversation once again, knowing the answer to the question. But obviously, Professor YeCu was just going to tell him that it was wrong. HyunCu never agreed with the things that the textbook said. He believed that even something like a fish could fall in love and it wasn’t just these human beings. He wondered what the human beings were like and as he thought and thought, Professor YeCu woke him up again.
“HyunCu! How many times must I tell you to listen in class!”
“Sorry Professor YeCu. But I have a question.”
“When is a Trainee Cupid allowed to go on Love Missions?”
“Love Missions? Do you even know what those are?”
“Yes I-”
“Class! Listen up. Does anyone know what a Love Mission is?”
None of the Cupids except for HyunCu raised their hand.
“What is it HyunCu?”
“A Love Mission is when you are done training and TeukCu the Cupid Leader sends you to Earth when two people are meant to be but they aren’t in love yet. So a Cupid goes and shoots an arrow at them so that they fall in love.”
“Correct. And also, you answered your own question HyunCu.”
“I did?”
“After training. Which means that you must finish training before TeukCu would even think of sending you to Earth. Class let’s talk about the dangers of Earth shall we?”
HyunCu glared at the floor. He didn’t care about the dangers of Earth. He just wanted to go on a Love Mission, as soon as he could.
“KiCu, would you like to give me an example of a danger in Earth?”
“Umm... I know that if people see you, you’re in big trouble.”
“Correct. One of the most important things while in a Love Mission is to not be seen. You automatically fail the Mission if you are spotted, even by an animal.”
“What’s an animal Professor?” another Trainee Cupid asked.
“An animal is also a very dangerous thing. They come in many sizes and shapes, and they can be any colour. Some animals bark, other’s moo and I even saw one who’s neck was so long, I couldn’t see it’s face!”
“Wow~” everyone listened carefully as Professor YeCu talked about his first Love Mission.
“I was a second year you see, and at that time TeukCu wasn’t the leader. And-”
“You were a second year?” HyunCu flew out of his seat surprised.
“Yes I was. Anyways as I was flying around…”
HyunCu wasn’t even listening as Professor YeCu rattled on about his Mission. His mind was in daze as he thought about his great luck.
I’m almost in second year, so I might be able to go! He thought to himself happily.
And as class ended, HyunCu flew out of class, excited to go talk to his friend HeeCu, about his new discovery.
“HeeCu!” HyunCu yelled as he flew around CuWorld looking for the other. “HeeCu!”
HeeCu was a fourth year, and probably the only Cupid that actually listened to HyunCu. All the other Cupids made fun of him, especially because of his name, Kyuhyun which, if TeukCu hadn’t chosen HyunCu, would have been KyuCu, which would sound really weird.
“HeeCu?” he tried again.
“Yah! HyunCu, come over here!” HyunCu heard a voice hiss at him, and he turned around to see HeeCu, crouched behind a cloud.
“Why are you-”
But HeeCu pulled HyunCus’s arm and pushed him behind as well, shushing him.
“Look, over there, there’s TeukCu and KangCu.”
“Wow they look so stressed.”
“I know. I wasn’t eavesdropping but I overheard them say something about needing to send like five Cupids to Earth right now on a Love Mission, but they weren’t sure who to pick.”
“Love Mission?”
“Yeah and I knew you wanted to go on one so I thought you were interested.”
“I am very interested! Thank you HeeCu!”
“Gosh don’t call me HeeCu, I hate that name. Call me Heechul that’s my real name.”
“Oh then call me Kyuhyun. I’ve never liked HyunCu either.”
“Do people make fun of you and call you KyuCu?”
“I got a better nickname for you. Troll Kyupid, with a K-Y-U instead of C-U. How awesome is that? It’s even more awesome because I made it. Now go talk to TeukCu and ask him with your cutest and most innocent smile, ‘what’s wrong TeukCu umma?’”
“Okay thanks. See you!” HyunCu flew out of the cloud and rushed toward TeukCu, his heart bursting with excitement.
“Hi TeukCu, are you okay? You look so stressed out umma.” He said, emphasizing on the word ‘umma’ the most. He knew that TeukCu liked being called Umma, and that seemed to do the trick.
“Why hello there HyunCu! I’m just worried because we need to send people on a mission you see, but we don’t know who to send.”
KangCu looked at HyunCu for a second and then asked,
“How old are you HyunCu?”
“Well I’ve been in training for three months and I’m turning six this year.” HyunCu answered proudly.*
“Six eh? Are you interested in going on a Mission HyunCu?” KangCu asked.
“No! KangCu are you crazy? He’s only six, he won’t be able to-”
“Yes!” HyunCu cried happily. “I’ve always wanted to go on a Love Mission, please let me go TeukCu!”
“You really want to go?” TeukCu asked warily.
“Yes TeukCu I really do. Please let me go umma, pleasseee”
TeukCu sighed, and looked at KangCu one last time.
“Are you sure about this KangCu?”
“He wants to go and he’s definitely capable of going. Let him go.”
“Alright HyunCu. Come with me.”
HyunCu was dying in excitement as TeukCu lead him to his Cupid Office, which was all the way high up in the clouds. Regular Cupids weren’t allowed to go near there, and so HyunCu was probably the youngest Cupid to ever go there with TeukCu.
TeukCu sat down on the other end of his desk, which was filled with papers and other things HyunCu had never seen before.
“Sit down HyunCu, I have a lot to tell you right now.” TeukCu gestured him to sit, and so he did.
“First of all, you know all the rules that apply to the Love Mission right?”
“And if you fail, you won’t be able to come back to CuWorld you know that right?”
“Wait really? I thought-”
“Yes really. As much as I don’t want a Cupid so young to go, I’m going to make you go because we need one more Cupids to go and no one ever volunteers.”
“Of course I’ll still go TeukCu I-”
“Your mission is to find a man with the name Lee Hyukjae and make him fall in love with a man called Lee Sungmin. They don’t exactly see each other often so you must find the perfect timing to shoot. And also, you must make sure the man with the name Lee Donghae does not interfere.”
“You don’t need to know. You have until the next moon arrives, in about three weeks. I expect you to be here by then with no injuries or human beings here. Understood? Now we have no time so you must go, quickly quickly!”
HyunCu got up excitedly, not believing how easily he was going to be sent to Earth. He knew he had to accomplish this Mission, and he was ready for it.
TeukCu gave him three papers, which had all the information of the three men. TeukCu concentrated as he made an opening through the clouds that separated CuWorld and Earth, and he told HyunCu to just jump.
“Jump HyunCu, jump! And I wish you the best.” TeukCu pushed HyunCu out of the opening, and HyunCu just fell, and fell, and fell down the hole leading to the unknown world, Earth.
HyunCu landed painfully in a green leafy area with twigs and brown branches around him, and he looked around to see where he was. He checked his papers that TeukCu gave him, and when he saw the picture of Lee Sungmin, he felt something strange in his heart. He wasn’t sure what it was but he decided that it was because of the terrible landing.
He checked to see that no one was there and he got out carefully, making sure that his wings wouldn’t get caught in the process.
Then, he saw two men walking towards each other.
HyunCu quickly checked and noticed that they were Lee Hyukjae and Lee Donghae, and he listened to their conversation.
“Stop hanging around Sungmin hyung, he doesn’t love you as much as I do.” The person named Donghae told the other, but Hyukjae was not listening.
“You don’t know Sungmin ssi. He loves me and I don’t understand why you suddenly want to be with me again.”
“I swear that wasn’t me! That was my brother; I still love you with all my heart Hyukjae, seriously!”
Hyukjae just looked away, not wanting to listen to Donghae.
“Say all you want Donghae but it’s too late now.”
Wow. Hyukjae should give Donghae a chance! I wonder what happened. HyunCu thought to himself from the thick brown thing he was holding on to. And where’s Sungmin?
He hid as the pair separated, and then he saw the most beautiful person in the world.
The man wasn’t just beautiful. He was cute and handsome and sexy and and all the good adjectives that HyunCu knew. What was this feeling? Never in his life had he ever felt this way before. He stared as the man walked up to Hyukjae, and said a greeting to the other. HyunCu didn’t know why he was feeling so weird, what was this feeling?
What this Love?
But Cupid’s couldn’t fall in love and he knew that. But what was it that was bothering him so much? Why did he want to be with the man that was most definitely Sungmin? Why was he feeling so strange?
“Hi Sungmin.” Hyukjae said patiently.
“Hi Hyukjae.”
Their conversation was boring, and HyunCu just wanted to see Sungmin’s face one more time. Then he remembered his job.
He grabbed his bow and arrow, and was about to shoot but he felt like his arm wouldn’t move.
He tried desperately to grab his arrow at least and make them fall in love but he couldn’t. His arms wouldn’t move and there was something that nagged in his brain.
Don’t shoot and make them fall in love. Shoot and make Sungmin fall in love with you. His brain yelled at him.
No! I can’t! I have to make TeukCu happy!
But would it make you happy? His brain challenged back.
He thought hard, not sure of the answer when suddenly, he felt a strong pain rip through his body. His wings felt like they were ripping off and his skin was searing in pain and heat. He looked up desperately, wondering what was causing him this pain and he realized that Sungmin was staring at him. HyunCu struggled as the pain slowly disappeared and he looked down at himself.
He wasn’t a Cupid anymore. He was now a sixteen year old human being.
Sungmin continued to stare at HyunCu, now without out his Cupid name. He was now Kyuhyun a human being. Kyuhyun stared at the arrow and bow in his hand, and decided to shoot an arrow to Donghae and Hyukjae.
“Hyukjae I-” Sungmin started, still looking at Kyuhyun.
“Sungmin, let’s break up. I think I’m in love with Donghae.” Hyukjae interrupted, his eyes turning into hearts when he saw Donghae.
“Yeah I think so too. I’m in love with someone else.”
They didn’t even look at each other as they separated, Sungmin walking directly towards Kyuhyun.
“What’s your name?” Sungmin asked.
“My... name? My name is… Kyuhyun.”
“Hi Kyuhyun. My name is Sungmin. How are you?”
“Sungmin…what is love?” Kyuhyun asked stupidly.
“L-love? Uh love is when you…you really like someone…and…”
“What do you feel when you love someone?” Kyuhyun asked.
“I- I don’t know. But I think this is love that I am feeling Kyuhyun.” Sungmin smiled gently.
“Does love make you feel happy inside when the person you love is right in front of you?”
“Yes I think so.” Sungmin grinned, stretching out to hold Kyuhyun’s hand.
“Am I in love?” Kyuhyun whispered, awestruck.
“I don’t know, but I think I am. And I need to ask you something really strange. Were you a cupid before I looked at you?”
“Yes I was. But now I’m a human being. I think.”
“Did you shoot an arrow at me? Haha.”
“No I didn’t!”
“I know. But Kyuhyun, will you be my Kyupid Love?”
Kyuhyun grinned, knowing how Sungmin was spelling Kyupid.
“Yes Sungmin. I will be the answer to your Love and I will be your Kyupid.”
The End
oh my god ewlol I was like dying while writing this because I had no idea what to write but I loved the title and I seriously just wrote crap at the end I don’t even know what I wrote lol but I hope you like this drabble one shot and comments are more than welcome! <3
Oh and also, Cu is pronounced like Kyu or Q or whatever so incase you were wondering what the f** HyunCu was or whatever, it’s pronounced like HyunCupid but without the 'pid'.