Yep that’s right folks! I’ve jumped on the friends only bus.
As of now my posts will be friends locked. (I may go back and lock previous posts but it seems like that would take a long time…)
The reason for this? Um… because everyone else is doing it I’d like to know who actually reads the twisted ramblings that I fill this thing with.
Just comment to be added, I like to think we’d have something in common, even if it’s just a love for Starbucks. (See my profile for details about me.)
I’m always open to new friends etc etc so don’t be afraid, I’ll only bite if I’m hungry, I promise. ^o-o^
Please use this post to tell me anything you like about yourself, as much or little as you want.
I mean it. I’m not one for friend-cuts. (o^-‘)b
Also, it might be hecka old but that (where the picture above came from) really needs pimping for anyone who hasn’t seen it:
horrorvacuii’s Cinderella Story. You won’t regret clicking it.