People who write music (See the bit on Ye Eun from my last post), Epik High's new Lovescream mini-album is really good. Here is the MV for 1 Minute, 1 Second (complete with English subs for your convenience! Credit to uploader.)
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Epik High never fail to make lovely music videos to along with their music. I like the lighting/filter over the video.
As always the lyrics are wonderful. Tablo is a genius, as if anyone ever questioned that.
But what is their obsession with things going backwards in their videos? Don't get me wrong, I could watch Tablo un-eating a banana all day (what? It's amusing!) it was just an observation, they did a bit it in One. I'll post the MV again so you can see (Read: because it always needs pimping.)
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Oh and I realised why my tooth is hurting more and more. It's because I have an abscess the size of a very large pea, if not larger. DX