I'm scared.
I don't wanna take my malaria pill!! (You have to start taking them 2 weeks before you travel.)
- Headaches
- Stomach upsets, feeling sick, vomitting, diarrhoea or stomach cramps
- Skin rash, including psoriasis, or itchy, peeling skin or sensitivity to sunlight that requires medical treatment
- Hair discloration or hair loss
- Discolouration of the skin or mucus membranes, such as the insede of your mouth
- blurring or partial or complete loss of vision, difficulty in focusing your eyes or double vision
- Convultions or fits
- Mood changes or other effects on behaviour including feeling anxious or rarely hallucinations
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Changes in your blood which may make you bruise easily, get serious infections, feel very tired or breathless or may give your kin and eyes a yellow colour (due to a liver problem)
- Hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Severe rash with peeling or blistering skin sometimes with ulceration of mucus membranes (for example, the inside of your mouth and nose)
Aw I feel bad for Heechul and HanGeng. See these two posts (credits to/at linked wordpress):
http://superduperlove.wordpress.com/2008/06/09/hanchul-at-everland-20080609/#more-73http://superduperlove.wordpress.com/2008/06/10/heechuls-kiseki-fancafe-message-20080609/#more-75 Those fans were really inconsiderate. I mean, if I was there I'd die okay I might admire from affar for a bit... and maybe change course to go on a particular ride that they might go on (just once).. but not full out follow them. I'd probably not even approach them directly (aside from the fact that my korean sucks, I'd feel annoying) and I'd never follow them with a camera!!