
Mar 21, 2011 00:46

[After this morning's call, the first thing Saya did was speak with Kai, and they agreed to meet up and investigate the changes together. She didn't tell Hagi because she knows he'll follow on his own. They can be found:

A. At the library

B. At the dairy

Hagi is following them, but not visibly so. Are you looking to speak with one of them? Or are you one of Grady's people on the hunt?]

[ooc: If you are looking to speak with Saya or Kai (or Hagi if you can somehow magically sense him???), list their name after the scenario in the subject line. We'd also prefer only phlebological attacks.

Tags will be slow because Anya and I both have limited internet.]

*c: hagi, !action, *event: exit, *c: diva, *c: kai miyagusuku

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