Jun 17, 2008 17:34
I keep saying "I should write this on my LJ!" and then I don't. So, here's a brief overview of the last few weeks (that I can remember)
WE HAS APARTMENT. We're not living in it, yet, but we found one we like. Roommate floorplan (bedrooms & bathrooms on either side of living room & kitchen), two bathrooms (crucial when living with brother) 1000 sq ft, close to my work and close to the highway for my brother to get to work. AND, I get a discount on both rent and deposit just because I work for State Farm. Downsides: second floor, right next to Union High School, not gated. But it will be cheap (not much more for rent than I pay now, living with my parents) and it is really close to the mall, a movie theater, tons of restaurants and best of all, SUPER TARGET. LET ME REPEAT. I'M GOING TO LIVE NEAR SUPER TARGET. Joyous day! Though all the money I'm saving on rent will probably end up going there... We move July 12. I am excited. Though I am not excited about packing up and moving everything I own. I've never had to do that before, and it is going to suck.
I've been WRITING lately. No, you can't see it. It's far from being ready (some of it will never be) But I haven't actually written anything in months and months and months. So even if no one else ever reads it, it's still exciting. It feels good.
I SAW IRON MAN. TWICE. It's so good. I LOVE superhero movies, and this was one of the best I've seen in a while. I knew nothing at all about Iron Man beforehand, so it was really cool to discover that world, even if the comic book superfanatics probably hate it because it's so inaccurate. I don't give a crap, I liked the movie. Van wants to go see Hulk, I'm not sure if I want to. Maybe if he buys the tickets.
I poured orange juice on my cereal one morning last week. >_< Must try to wake up BEFORE getting out of bed. I am becoming one of those people who drinks a giant Dr Pepper at breakfast. A real one. I'm trying to wean myself back onto diet. And I shouldn't even be doing that. It sure does wake me up, though! And for some reason, listening to audiobooks while I type seems to help me work faster. Music doesn't seem to work as well. That's weird, right? Maybe it's due to my ADD, I need to have more than train of thought going or I get distracted by whatever pops through my head. Listening to audiobooks seems to help me focus. Or maybe it just makes the day seem shorter. Or, maybe it distracts me from all the mistakes I'm making and I just THINK I'm doing better, LOL.
Um, what else? I'm in total Spoiler Blackout for Doctor Who, and I'm loving it. I have pretty much no idea what's going to happen next. I've managed to stick to only watching it on the Sci- Fi channel broadcast. It makes me wonder what I'm missing, and I HATE HATE HATE their "next time" previews, they always suck. Why they can't use the original ones that come with it, I don't know.
I know there were other things I meant to talk about, but I don't know what they were.
Cassie and Jordan! Do you want to get together this weekend?