Yup. I'm alive. There you have it.
Here's some pictures of the kids to update you. That's about all I've got right now. I haven't read LJ in.. well, since the last time I've posted, which means that I have not been able to keep up with anyone. No offense to anyone of course. Feel MORE than free to write a brief response explaining anything big that's happened. I can't be sure I'm going to be reading any time soon nor will I promise any sort of permanence on being "back" here. I will promise I haven't forgotten you guys, nor have I stopped loving most of you.
For those that don't read my husbands LJ, we move to Minnesota! :D Yay! So it's been interesting. We've been here about a month now and things are settling in.
That's still about as open as I'm willing to be at the moment. Hugs to all!
Click on the picture for the bigger versions if you'd like. :)