(no subject)

Oct 15, 2014 22:39

“You should wear your wedding ring, okay? I’ll keep on wearing mine, too.”

Donghae was eyeing him with a softened expression that made his heart skip a beat. Hyukjae looked away not quite knowing how to react. Well, how could he? The amount of things that occurred during the past 24 hours is just insane.

First, he woke up with a massive hangover then, he found himself on the bed with the guy he swore not to even go out on a date with AND THEN he was told that they volunteered to get married and that THEY ARE MARRIED!

It could have been a really easy issue to fix if at least one of the sided with him but no, everyone, Sungmin foremost, just had to conspire and force him to agree with Donghae’s proposal of a three month trial period.

And now Donghae, the guy who’s been causing all this mess in his life from the moment they met again at the airport, is gazing at him with eyes that can melt even the hardest rock and telling him to always wear their wedding ring. It’s totally preposterous of him to act as if they got married under the most normal circumstances!

It’s too much for Hyukjae’s brain to process everything at once, he’s still actually in denial but there’s also a peculiar feeling of satisfaction, where it's coming from? He doesn’t want to dwell on it just yet.


On the other hand, Donghae let Hyukjae have his own time by keeping his silence while Hyukjae's mind was wander elsewhere. He does realize that everything must be really hard for Hyukjae to accept given all the things that transpired between them in the past.

While letting the other have some private time with his thoughts, Donghae took the opportunity to feast his eyes on Hyukjae, now his legally wedded partner.

‘Damn. It felt good to say that’. He thought, and lost the battle to hold back the smile that was lurking at the corners of his lips.

He surveyed his face and imagined just how many kisses he’d give on each part of Hyukjae’s face before he’d settle down to kiss his plump lips, how he’d nibble, suck until it gets swollen.

‘Not the time for perverse thoughts just yet. Move on.’ He told himself, regaining reigns over his thoughts. His eyes travelled downwards and just then, he noticed that Hyukjae was wearing a necklace.

There was nothing special about the necklace chain but it wasn't the necklace itself that caught his attention, it was the thing that was dangling from the chain.

That got Donghae hoping. Although it was hidden under Hyukjae’s shirt, he could tell that it was a ring and if he were to believe his instincts he’d say that it was their ring.

Maybe, just maybe he really has a chance to change Hyukjae’s mind about this set up, about them. It’s not going to be easy to prove knowing how bad Hyukjae had thought of him but he’ll hold on even to the thinnest sliver of hope.

Reaching out, he lightly brushed his knuckles to get Hyukjae out of his reverie, effectively startling the latter.

“Yah! I told you to not randomly touch me!” Hyukjae stuttered. A furious blush painting his face.

“Sorry, but your mind is already elsewhere.” He gave Hyukjae an apologetic smile. “Don’t think about the ring anymore. If you don’t feel like wearing it, you don’t have to.” Then he stood up and

Hyukjae his hand to help him up.

“I can manage..” Hyukjae ignored the other’s offer and he somehow expected the other to scoff but to his surprise, the brunette chuckled lightly.

“Stubborn, as always.”


They’ve been out on the streets for nearly an hour and they still don’t know exactly what they want to do.

“You want ice cream?” Donghae asked when they passed by an ice cream truck that seems to be a hit among the kids.

Hyukjae would have automatically said no if it weren’t for the kids who were licking their ice creams like it was the most delectable treat in the world. He pouted.

“I assume that’s a yes. Strawberry?” Donghae asks knowingly. He nodded.

Donghae joined the queue of kids waiting for their ice cream. He was joking with some of them and even lifted up one tiny kid who can’t get past the bigger ones.

‘He’d make a good father, he’d probably like a big family --- wait. Why am I thinking like this? Ugh.’ Engaging in another internal debate with himself, he failed to notice that Donghae was already walking back to him with a tall ice cream cone with 5 scoops of ice cream.

“Hey” Donghae’s voice burst his bubble of thoughts once again. The other was wearing a childish, toothless smile when he handed him his ice cream. “What are you thinking about?”

He was going to say it’s none of Donghae’s business but all that he was able to say was “took you long enough”

“Too many kids.” Donghae grinned.

“Why didn’t you get one for yourself?” Hyukjae couldn’t help but ask.

“I thought it’s cute if we’d share” Donghae answered cheekily.

Another knot twisted inside Hyukjae’s stomach, can Donghae stop being so damn charming? It’s making him too hard to resist and it’s only been a day! How can he survive three months if he’s gonna be like this?

“As if I’d let your saliva mix with mine”

With nothing else to pour his frustrations over, he began attacking his ice cream

Why is the strawberry at the bottom??

Donghae didn’t mind being ignored, he wished he brought his camera though, Hyukjae’s expressions were just too cute not to be captured so he quickly decided that his smartphone’s camera would be enough.

Hyukjae was too engrossed eating his cold treat that he didn’t notice the other taking snapshots of him.

Satisfied with the amount of pictures he had taken, Donghae contented himself by watching Hyukjae. He chuckled a couple of times as Hyukjae ate his treat sloppily, leaving traces in certain parts of his faces.

When Hyukjae finished eating, he volunteered his handkerchief for the other to use and the former took it without hesitation.

Hyukjae quickly wiped the smudges off of his face. When he finished, that’s when he realized that Donghae’s handkerchief was plain white and that he stained the poor white cloth really badly.

“Uh. I’ll wash it first before I return it to you..” He said.

“No problem..” Donghe replied but he noticed the naughty glint at the other’s eyes.

“Are you laughing at me?” He frowned.

“No… I just think you’re really cute. You still have something on your face.”

“Where?” He asked, but before Donghae could even answer he began wiping his cheeks, the side of his lips and his chin. “Is it gone?”

Donghae shook his head and held his chin to steady his face.

“I’ll do it for you.” Donghae murmured before bridging the gap between their faces. It happened to fast that his muscles didn’t have enough time to react to it. He just shut his eyes, held his breath and waited for the other’s lips to graze his.




But no, his expectations didn’t come about. Instead what he felt was a lick on the tip of his nose and then a very gently bite.

It wasn’t the kiss that he expected but Hyukjae felt giddy all over that he couldn’t produce a snide remark to throw at Donghae. And Oh, he can feel his whole face burn scarlet.

“Is it clean now?” He asked in a tiny, embarrassed voiced.

“Yes, honey.” Donghae replied.

Hyukjae turned to his heel without replying and walked ahead of the other. It didn’t take long for Donghae to catch up and when he did, he held his hand and interlaced their fingers.

Hyukjae bit his lips and groaned internally. It felt good to hold Donghae’s hand like that.


A satisfied smile lingered on Donghae’s lips while as they continued walking. He was actually waiting for a slap and a downpour of Hyukjae’s usual insults but none of those happened. And now he was even holding Hyukjae’s hand as they strolled along the busy streets of Las Vegas.

“Are you tired?” Donghae asked Hyukjae after about two hours of walking.

“Tired” Hyukjae said with a pout.

“Eh? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? We could have sat somewhere..” Donghae scratched his nape.

Hyukjae shrugged. It’s true he was tired but he didn’t want to stop walking because he thinks that if they stop walking, Donghae will stop holding his hand as well.

He bit his lip at the realization. He didn’t want to stop holding Donghae’s hand.

Then the very same hand that he’s been thinking of gave his own a light squeeze. He looked up and met Donghae’s worried gaze.

“Are you okay? Do you want to go back to the hotel?”

“Huh, no I’m fine…” Pabo, I should have said yes, I want to go back to the hotel. I need to think!!! He let out a sigh.

“Are you sure?” Donghae asked again and he nodded. “Then, I’d let you decide, what do you want to do?”

“Uhm…” His lips quivered. He doesn’t really have anything in particular to do. When he came here what he planned was to just hang around the hotel’s pool and get some tan but heck, they were in Las Vegas and people gamble in Vegas! “Let’s hit the casino?” He suggested.

Donghae’s smile widened. “I can’t believe you’re suggesting us to try gambling..” his voice was gentle but teasing.

“Well you asked me and …” Hyukjae began to defend himself but Donghae hushed him with his fingers.

“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. Believe it or not I’m happy that you’re willing to gamble” Donghae said meaningfully.

And inside his head he agreed. As apprehensive as he was earlier, he’s now finding himself willing to gamble. He wanted to see if a life with Donghae is worth the risk.

They tried the slot machine and Hyukjae laughed so hard at Donghae’s mischief. He was so bad at it and he kept on losing.

“This is not something you could calculate though, this is something that’s pure chance..” Donghae tried justifying why he kept on losing but that didn’t stop Hyukjae from giggling. “Why don’t you try it?” He challenged Hyukjae.

“ “kay, but I’m sure I won’t suck as bad as you do.” Hyukjae chimed and true enough, he was able to win $20 on his first try. Donghae looked impressed.

“How did you do that?” Donghae asked still quite astonished.

“It’s a secret.” Hyukjae snorted arrogantly.

“Pft. I bet you couldn’t repeat that again” Donghae challenged him once again.

“If I do?”

“I’ll buy you anything you want..” Donghae answered confidently.

“And if I don’t?” Hyukjae lifted a brow.

“You’ll sleep in my bed tonight.”

Hyukjae’s jaw drop. Then he began protesting.


“Then it means you really just got lucky with the slot machine.” Donghae teased. “No problem with me.”

Hyukjae eyed him disbelievingly “Blackmailer!”

“I’m not! I’m not even forcing you!” Donghae said.

“Yes, you are. You and your dirty tactics Lee Donghae.” Hyukjae narrowed his eyes.

“I was just joking, let’s not get too serious about it. Forget that bet, It was stupid.” Donghae gave up, he does not want to anger Hyukjae in any way.

“Well, since you brought it up, let’s get it on. You promise to buy me anything?”

Donghae scratched his head. Hyukjae’s suddenly so unpredictable. “Sure.”

They gave the slot machine another try.

Donghae’s mind was already set that no matter what the outcome is, Hyukjae would have the last call.

Hyukjae on the other hand knows that he doesn’t want to win.

Both of them were holding their respective breaths while waiting for the game to finish.

2 symbols are already matching, they just need one more.




The game came to an end. Donghae sighed half relieved, half sad…

Hyukjae felt his feelings sunk. He doesn’t like feeling like he had lost when he actually won.

For a while they were both silent until Donghae decided to break it.

“Wow. Now I believe you’re really talented at this..” Donghae chuckled.

“See? That wasn’t luck.” Hyukjae tried his best to conceal the disappointment in his voice.

“Yeah, I believe you now.. So where’d you want to go shopping?”

“Nah, it was cancelled right? And I’m quite tired. My feet hurts, I just want to go back to the hotel and get some rest.” Hyukjae avoided Donghae’s eyes.

“If that’s what you want.”


Sungmin looked at his watch and smirked.

“You look happy, babe.” Kyuhyun commented.

“Yeah. I can already imagine Hyuk’s scream when he sees his things drenched.” Sungmin snickered.

“You’re evil..”

“That’s why we’re a match.”

“Couldn't have said it better” Kyuhyun smirked before bending down and planting a kiss on his wife’s lips.


because it's Donghae's birthday. :)
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